Chapter 227. Killing Thousands.

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As Yasenia roared, her aura swelled, and the air around her exploded, creating a whirlwind around her. The people from the fortress shouted, answering her deep and resounding dragon roar. "UOOO!!!"

The powerful aura explosion intimidated the approaching army, but the voice of their Commander maintained everything in order. "Remember what we are fighting for! We are the first wave, bound to die for the future of our country!"

The fearful soldiers steeled their will and shouted, "For our country!"

"I will come back alive and confess to the woman I like!"

"I will marry my husband when I go back!"

Yasenia looked at them indifferently. For Yasenia, these people weren't real. Even so, were they real, Yasenia would also not feel anything but little empathy for them.

They were on a battlefield, and Yasenia had experienced firsthand how brutal a battlefield could be. War wasn't a place for mercy, only killing until one side surrenders or is completely annihilated. And even then, you must keep up your guard, fearing an ambush or something similar after you drop your guard.

The dragoness took out [Draconic Heart], used [Starry Sky], [Celestial Coat], and [Moonless Night]. Her silvery domain spread in the surroundings, lowering the temperature enough to make the weakest of them shiver. Then, she leaned forward and pushed against the ground with the tip of her feet. The hard rock under her feet exploded backward as her body accelerated toward the 1 000 men and women army.

The Commander of the enemy army shouted, "Prepare the shields! Aim the Spears!"

The shield bearers activated a battle formation, and their defense soared. Thanks to this, they would be able to defend against attacks much stronger than they normally would by themselves. Moreover, the spears that protruded from the side of the shields glowed, becoming extremely sharp. Not even the tough hide of a beast would be able to resist.

But Yasenia wasn't your typical beast. She was a Dragon!

Yasenia and the shield line came extremely close. The sharp spears just before Yasenia. However, our dragoness continued advancing as if they weren't there. The spears broke when they entered in contact with her skin, leaving nothing but small scratches on it. The soldiers behind the shields opened their eyes wide with despair as they saw the spears break. Then, Yasenia and the shields collided.


Before the tyrannical dragoness, the shields were no different than paper. The soldiers flew away with their armor badly sunk, internal organs turned to mush, and generally dead.

It was as if a bomb had blasted the shield line!

Yasenia didn't stop. She continued charging forward through the army with her golden slit eyes locked onto the Commander as if he was her prey. Like a rampaging beast between mortals, they were blown away every time a soldier came into contact with her.

Everyone at the scene opened their eyes wide, cursing at the heavens for placing such a creature against them. The Commander knew who Yasenia was aiming for, so he shouted anxiously, "Stop her!"

However, how could they stop the dragoness? It was not possible.

Yasenia pointed at the Commander with [Draconic Heart] and chanted. "[Moon Charge]."

A chilling breath wrapped around the length of the sword, and Yasenia's aura turned Silver. Then, when Yasenia stomped on the ground, the nearby area around Yasenia froze as she shot forward, shattering the recently created Ice surface!

The Commander didn't even know what happened when a silver meteor smashed on him with overwhelming might, annihilating him and the horse, together with every single soldier aligned with the dragoness charge.

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