Chapter 300. The Conflict's Resolution,Soul Power,Angel's limitless Potential.

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All three of them stopped their thoughts again, looking at Yasenia as if she was a crazy person. Angel stuttered, "Y-Yasenia, although I'm thankful, I don't think that we have to go that far. I think it will be more troublesome than helpful if you force Saint Fu Jing Jing to do that."

The Mirror laughed in ridicule, "What can a junior force? If Jing Jing wanted, she would already be dead!"

Angel frowned and pouted, "Stop saying those things!"

The Mirror choked in her laughter and shut up, looking at Angel stupidly, 'I forgot I am in a slave contract with her! Ugh, so bothersome.' She humphed and glared at Yasenia.

Fu Jing Jing, however, wouldn't underestimate the heaven-defying dragon in front of her. She can't remember the number of seniors that fell to "inexperienced" juniors because they underestimated them too much.

Yasenia patted Angel's head and explained, "You see... My mother has always been fearful that I fell into the trap of someone offering me an inheritance. I was born with one, so my mother told me not to accept another because the risk overweights the benefits. However, she also taught me two important things after something almost irreversible happened to one of my lovers."

Fu Jing Jing suddenly remembered one demonic practice, and her eyes widened with fear.

Yasenia saw it and her smile returned to the previous cruel one, "The first thing is that, after adding and mixing blood essence in an assimilation or inheritance ritual, depending on the blood essence quality, the inheritance would evolve and get out of the control of the one giving the inheritance."

Fu Jing Jing shook her head and exclaimed, "You wouldn't dare! You wouldn't dare do that demonic practice!"

Yasenia's smile widened and said, her silver eyes being tainted by red as if red ink had dropped into her iris. "The second thing is that, right after the inheritance, since it was stained with blood, the person receiving the inheritance will gain the ability to devour the one giving the inheritance. This will let the inheritor gain the remaining karma and luck of the one giving the inheritance at the cost of a little bit of potential. However, if the absorbed senior is strong enough, absorbing them would result in a better result than not doing it."

Yasenia chuckled and said, "Miss Saint is plenty strong, wouldn't you think?"

The Mirror said, her voice cold, "If you do that, you can forget of me aiding Angel. I will not only not aid her, but I will also try to sabotage everything I can!"

Yasenia raised an eyebrow, "Do you have a chance? You are a slave, Truth Mirror. No matter how powerful, you can't disobey Angel as long as her orders do not harm you."

The Mirror sneered and said, "Didn't you hate demons? You are worse than one at this moment."

Yasenia laughed, "I can guess how you learned that information. Still, who asked you to almost cripple my dear permanently? There must be a punishment, you like it or not."

Yasenia looked back at the Mirror with a cold gaze and said, "Even if you don't aid her, I don't care. I'm more than enough help for Angel to reach the pinnacle. You are nothing more than a powerful weapon."

Fu Jing Jing looked at the black sphere around her and then at Yasenia.

Her voice was calm as she said, "I was confused about your objective, but now I know about it. I didn't want to do this, but you left me with no choice."

Yasenia looked at Fu Jing Jing and asked, "Are you going to explode yourself? Soul explosion is certainly powerful. I will certainly die if you do that. However, it is even worse than being devoured. Although you will be able to reincarnate after a soul explosion, your future reincarnations will be filled with extremely bad luck. A sex slave, having your family slaughtered, all your loved ones dying, betrayal, everything bad you can think about will certainly happen."

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