Chapter 262. Bloodline levels and... She is a what!?

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Andrea lifted an eyebrow and thought, 'Mark? Does this crab have enough bloodline level to mark her mates? Well, I'd not be surprised. Her previous display was impressive.'

Andrea didn't know the lowest bloodline level requirements for marking a mate, so she was surprised, thinking that the crab's bloodline level was at least at Kali's or Cecile's level.

However, she was wrong this time. Although marking could only be done by high-level bloodline beasts, the threshold for this "Marking-level" was a lot lower compared with Yasenia's, Cecile's, or Kali's bloodline level.

Nonetheless, this didn't mean that the female crab had a low bloodline level. Its level was one realm lower than Kali, which was impressive.

Bloodlines were divided into many levels. Moreover, each continent had its own qualifications since, in truth, there were only those that could mark and those that couldn't.

Obviously, this was not completely accurate. If a human told a beast that there were only beasts that could mark and those that couldn't, they would answer, "Yeah, and humans also have those that can cultivate and those who can't."

Therefore, the most spread Bloodline qualification levels were the following. The lowest level was the mortal bloodline, followed by the Beastly bloodline, Magical beast bloodline, King beast bloodline, Monarch beast bloodline, Mystical level bloodline, Legendary beast bloodline, Mythical beast bloodline, Divine beast bloodline, Ancient beast bloodline, Immortal beast bloodline, and Primordial Beast bloodline.

And since each rank was also divided into sublevels of low, mid, high, and peak, telling a beast that there were those that could mark and those that couldn't mark was quite an insult.

For a beast to have the ability to mark another creature, it must be at least inside the Legendary beast bloodline level.

Sierra was in the high-Mystical beast bloodline level, which was honestly extremely high for this realm where most beasts ranged between Beastly and King level beasts.

Although Andrea didn't know about any of this in detail, she was curious and asked, "What is the name of your bloodline, little one?"

The one-meter-tall crab put her pincers up and said with a weirdly proud tone. "Hohoho, you finally asked! Fear and despair, silver beast! I'm a [Sun Engulfing Ore Lobster]!"

Andrea was stupefied, but for another reason, "Wait, you are a lobster? Not a crab?"

If lobsters had a face that expressed stupefaction, our little friend would be the incarnation of it. Still, even if Andrea couldn't read her facial expressions, the fact that the lobster that looked like a crab and had a turtle complex was currently frozen while pointing at Andrea with one trembling claw was enough indication to show her current mood.

Andrea laughed at her silly position, "Sorry, little one. It is just that... Where is the tail that lobsters have? The antennae? When you were out of the mineral, you really looked like a crab."

What Andrea didn't know was that she had stepped on a landmine. For a lobster, being compared with a crab was something unacceptable!

"You-you-you, HOW CAN YOU CONFUSE ME WITH THOSE THINGS!? We are so different that it is not even close! They are all so chunky and ugly, and they stupidly move sideways! Are their brains tangled since birth so they can only walk sideways!? Stupid creatures!"

The lobster fumed so much that cute transparent bubbles came out of her mouth. "How can they compare with the elegance of us, lobsters? We lobsters have sleek faces, bodies, and beautiful tails! Can they compare? They can't! We are completely superior to them!"

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