Chapter 355. And there he lay, never to wake up again. [Purple Heart Poison].

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After leaving the sights of the people there, our group kept walking calmly. For a while, they didn't speak and relaxed as they traveled across the beautiful forest.

Yasenia suddenly remembered something. 'Oh my, how could I forget something like that? Sigh, well, it is better to do it in an isolated place."

Then, she turned her head and looked at them, "I've just remembered a very important thing. I don't know what will happen, so let's go deep inside the forest."

They were confused but followed her nonetheless. Evelyn asked with a smirk. "Are you finally going to-."

"No. I'll keep my promise. Only after we gain a house will we do it."

Evelyn chuckled. "So fast to answer~."

Yasenia sighed with a smile and passed her head between Evelyn's legs, forcing her to sit on her back. "You are becoming more mischievous as time goes by, dear. If you continue to do, you will leave me with no other option besides punishing you~."

Evelyn hugged Yasenia's long neck and chuckled. "Yasenia, if you want me to be more mischievous, you just have to say so."

Yasenia was speechless. That wasn't her intention at all!

After walking for thirty minutes at a moderate pace, Angel asked. "What are we going to do? Will we be able to reach the next city at this pace?"

The others turned toward Yasenia.

They'd expected her to explain, but she had been silent the whole way as she carried Evelyn on her back. They didn't ask earlier because they didn't feel the need to. However, since little Angel wanted to speak with Yasenia, she decided to ask aloud.

At this time, they'd already gone very deep into the forest, and the night was already covering the sky with its darkness, covering the surroundings with a silver sheen of moonlight.

Although they didn't fear the night, they also didn't like standing in an unknown place at night. Dangers were harder to spot at these hours.

Nevertheless, the beautiful scenery of a forest at night with the Moon's company was very pleasant if you relaxed enough to look around.

Yasenia spoke softly."Before I answer you, baby, I've been thinking about one thing."

Angel nodded, and the others paid attention. "I know that our priority should be to find another city as our place to stay. However, I've been thinking about the hate for humans in this place. Therefore, after some deliberation, I feel that Angel, Andrea, and Evelyn should act as our slaves."

Yasenia looked at them and didn't see any change in expression. She chuckled. "I feel silly if you don't show any reaction."

Evelyn caressed Yasenia's neck and said softly. "Why would we be against this idea, my love? It's not like we are your actual slaves. Using it as a cover to protect us is something reasonable and clever."

Yasenia sighed. "Sorry, my loves. Although I would never want any of you to feel slighted, you will have to act as slaves for a while. At least until I found a better way to cover it."

They easily nodded. Andrea said. "Don't worry. Adding to what Evelyn said, we know that if we remain headstrong and you try to act differently, we will gather a lot of unwanted attention on ourselves."

Evelyn smirked. "Furthermore, It will be interesting acting like a slave for a while."

Evelyn massaged Yasenia's head and said with a servile but playful tone. "Mistress, does it feel good? Do you want a more in-depth massage? This sex slave is ready to listen to any orders~."

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