Chapter 341. Combined Sneak Attack!

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Meanwhile, Jaxon was fighting fiercely, his expression ruthless. Each blow he delivered was filled with murderous intent, trying to kill one of his enemies at least.

Jaxon's two-handed war-hammer spun at his will, slamming onto the shields with explosive sounds one after another. However, his six enemies used two shield-bearers, one archer, and three melee users to deflect and counterattack. Between those melee cultivators were a dagger, a sword, and a spear user.

His darkness, fire, death, and magma-attributed skills flew with each swing, making them retreat. It truly felt like a giant was slamming on their shields.

Each time he slammed onto one of the shields, the dagger user tried to attack his back, but Jaxon's ten wings could move defensively. The sword user tried to slash toward his arms, but Jaxon's terrific physical body lunged with various physical attacks, maintaining him at bay each time he approached.

Worse, even the spear user was unable to damage him seriously as Jaxon used the defensive skills on his difficult-to-block attacks and then relied on his regeneration to keep going.

The archer was trying to shoot multiple powerful arrows toward him, all of them filled with the wind element, yet Jaxon used the wings that weren't focused on the dagger-wielding woman to block.

Jaxon had been held back for a while already, so he was quite angered and yelled. "You vermin! How dare you attack me with such lousy strength!?"

One of the shield users sneered, "You've killed plenty of our brothers and sisters. This is your retribution, Jaxon! You will die here today!"

Jaxon smiled savagely, "Will I?" Then, he charged a powerful attack and slammed it on his shield.

The magma-engulfed hammer created a powerful shockwave that even pushed the other Unification Realm experts.

The one hit directly couldn't maintain his feet on the ground as he felt his arm cracking under pressure. Then, his body shot backward; his eyes were filled with shock. 'Was he holding back?'

Jaxon laughed aloud. "Weakling! You will all die as many did before! [Demonic Darkness Devourer]."

A black aura exploded from him, engulfing the five people left around him. The five people felt like acid had fallen on their skin and hissed in pain. However, with a single thought, their elemental coats increased in strength, protecting them from the smog.

The archer immediately used a skill to clear their field of vision. "[Hurricane]."

A strong wind swept the surroundings, dispersing the black smoke and clearing the view. However, this only made clear the disaster that was about to happen.

After the smoke dispersed, the woman using the dagger only saw something getting close to her face. 'Huh?' The others shouted, but even before the sound of their call could reach her, the crunch of her facial bones shattering filled her ears for an instant before everything went silent forever.

With a shower of gore, the Unification Realm expert's head shattered into bits as her headless body tumbled on the ground and slid into the distance.

The other five were shocked, and then their eyes burned with wrath. "I WILL KILL YOU!"

Jaxon laughed aloud as his wings spread widely. "One less useless trash, five more to go!"

Wounds could be seen in every cultivator present, and even though Jaxon seemed badly injured, his wounds were regenerating at a visible pace.

When Jaxon was about to charge, he heard the shout of one of his underlings. He turned his head and saw one Demon Count with a hole in his chest. It was one of the Demon Counts facing two people. Right after, those two joined the five against Jaxon, becoming seven one more time.

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