Chapter 235. Angel's jealousy. Feeding Kali~. (R-18)

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Angel was currently lying on top of Yasenia, her insides full of Yasenia's semen, and her face and body so relaxed that she seemed more a blob than a human. Yasenia caressed her damp back with tenderness and kissed the top of Angel's head, which was resting on top of the milk-stained breasts. Which milk, you ask? Well, both.

Yasenia was comfortably growling as her penis was still inside Angel, even though they weren't moving. Angel could feel her deep purring since her head was resting on top of her chest. The vibrations contributed to softening the current Angel blob. Angel mewled with utter tenderness and love, "I feel so good~. I love you~."

Yasenia smiled, and her tail wagged. Thankfully, it wasn't inserted anywhere, so it didn't stimulate the tired Angel.

Yasenia took out a High-level Earth-ranked [Yin replenishing pill] and gave it to Angel. "Open your mouth~."

Angel opened and licked Yasenia's fingers and the pill as an extra. Angel rubbed her face on the big breast and asked, "Why did you give me a [Yin Replenishing Pill]?" She had taken this pill so many times that she already knew which one it was because of the refreshing flavor.

Yasenia said softly, "Remember where we are, baby. I can't have you tired and energyless, right?"

Angel nodded, but didn't move, and even her arms tightened around Yasenia. Yasenia sighed and sat up with Angel between her arms. Angel whined and even her vagina clenched on the escaping member. "I don't want to move~."

Yasenia almost lost control and went one more round, but she also wanted to have some action with Kali. Moreover, she didn't want to completely tire Angel. "I'm sorry, baby. If we were in the Academy, I wouldn't mind being like this as much as you want, but we can't. We have to continue gaining points."

Angel whined a little more, acting completely spoiled, and Yasenia's heart was seriously swaying. How could our dragoness resist her dearest little girl's soft whines? However, with a will stronger than when she fought against Isla, she managed to separate Angel from her. Angel pouted as Yasenia bathed her.

Yasenia laughed and kissed her pouty lips, "Don't be angry, baby. We can do it more some days later, okay? Even if we can't do it daily, we can have some intimacy as long as we have spare time."

Angel asked, "What about Sarah?"

Yasenia asked back, confused, "What about her?"

Angel said, "Won't she feel ignored?"

Yasenia blinked twice and asked again, "Does that matter in any way with my previous statement?"

Angel explained, "Won't that stop you from having intimacy with us?"

Yasenia was surprised for a moment and then laughed aloud, sending her naked melons in a jiggling motion. Angel appreciated their bounces very much. Yasenia smirked, "Do you think that Sarah can come between us in any way or form? Hahaha. If she dares, that would be the moment we each go our way!"

Angel relaxed, "You are treating her so well, so I was scared."

Yasenia smiled softly, "Are you feeling jealous, baby?"

Angel nodded honestly. She was always one hundred percent honest in front of Yasenia. There wasn't anything that the little girl would hide from Yasenia, no matter how ugly or low that feeling might be.

Yasenia sighed and entered the bathtub with Angel, hugging her closely, "Don't worry, I'm like that because she is too strange. So I want to be on her good side. Most of the gestures I do to her are just an act."

Angel asked with a smile, "Really?"

Yasenia nodded, "Of course! Did you forget my promise already?"

Angel shook her head and hugged Yasenia tightly with a happy and sweet smile. "I love you!"

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