Chapter 334. Gerd's Demise.

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"[Empyrean Galaxy Domain]."


With an explosive roar, Yasenia's domain engulfed the sky above them. The day changed into a night, and the night got filled with celestial bodies.

Gerd's subordinates prepared to attack Yasenia at the same time, but they felt their feet sink in the soil for a second. Looking down, two roots had coiled around their legs, keeping them in place.

Right in the next instant, one bigger root slammed toward Gerd's back. He sensed it and was able to turn and block it with his sword.


However, the strength of the lash made him take various steps back, separating him from his group. Next, he felt the soil beneath his right foot expand, so he jumped to the side out of reflex.


An explosion of a Glass Mine hit his side, moving him further away from his group. He understood that he was being isolated so that Yasenia could fight one on one with him. Hence, he tried to run back toward the others.

However, a blue shadow approached from beyond the explosion, golden claws glittering with an extremely cold and piercing light.

His only option was to block one more time.

The moment the claw and his sword smashed, his face changed. 'Heavy!' And right after he thought that, his feet left the ground, and his body was sent flying by the dragoness's monstrous bodily strength.

When he recovered from the combo attack, he the only thing before him was a tiger-sized dragoness with a whirling aura around her. Her scales glowed with a blue light like stars in the night sky, dimly yet beautifully.

Around her, white balls floated about. Once his sight landed on one of them, he couldn't help but feel a chill. 'Dangerous.'

His gaze moved behind Yasenia and saw his thirty-nine companions fighting against a magma-armored juggernaut followed closely by a blurring lightning user. On the other side of his group, the giant Wolf Queen was causing destruction, and in the distance, the Fox woman and Angel were looking without moving. Their attitude was clearly of someone confident in those that were participating.

What's worse is that the moment he looked, the phoenix released her first arrow.

Well, more than an arrow, it was like a storm of Moon, Wind, and spatial energies, shredding a single line that instantly killed five of his subordinates.

Yasenia saw his disbelieving face and laughed, "Strong, aren't they? Even the current me would be afraid of them. I'm only confident in winning against two of them, and that would be with almost lethal injuries. Well, it also depends on which two. If I fight Cecile and Angel... I might as well lay belly up and wait for them to chop me into pieces."

Gerd frowned and said, "You are lying. Your increase in strength is enough to fight them. Especially if you use that strange energy."

Yasenia smirked. "Well, it is true that the energy you are speaking about is strong. Sadly, I still don't know how to use it properly. It doesn't come with a manual, you see. I will only be able to use it properly in the future. The most I can do right now is use it like a brute."

Yasenia opened her claw and showed a tiny, dust-mote-sized starry blue energy ball. Gerd didn't feel that threatened by it. Yasenia said, "Well, let's try to see its strength, shall we? Block it."

Then, Yasenia threw that minuscule energy ball toward him. Gerd wasn't stupid, so he wanted to dodge. However, the speed of it was far above what he imagined. "[Virgin Blood Wall]."

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