Chapter 253. Learning about the Key and tricking the Demons.

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Looking at how the two groups were acting, the Guard Captain felt something was off. Still, he didn't mind it and looked toward Yasenia with a smile. Even if the previous time was somewhat terrifying, getting visited again by the big beauty was a pleasant surprise. "Welcome back. I've already finished with them, so you can sit wherever you like."

Yasenia looked at the Demons mockingly and said, "I prefer if they go out of the room first. I do not want to be less than five meters from individuals hunting me down. I can already imagine them trying to kidnap one of us the moment we are close."

One of the demons sneered, "At least you know how to be scared when powerful people don't surround you. You have been too arrogant, making many of our kind die on the outside of the town. Do you think that we will forgive you for causing so many deaths!? Like any other creature, you should have surrendered to us, and maybe we would treat you better, future breeder!"

Angel, Sarah, and Kali frowned, but they didn't say anything. Angel's and Kali's gazes were particularly cold as they looked at them.

Yasenia looked at him with a smile, "I hear resentment in those words~. Was your sister between the Demons I killed? Maybe your brother? Or the woman you loved? Hahaha, it is a shame that they are already dead!"

The demon became angry and was about to charge toward Yasenia when his companion stopped him. "Do not attack here. If you kill anybody, you will die."

Yasenia smirked, "To think that you could see through such a scheme... I will have to reevaluate the demons' intelligence from the human baby level to the human children level."

However, even if the first one to speak had his face twisted with anger and his fist tightly clenched, none of them answered.

Yasenia wasn't expecting anything, either. She was doing so because she wanted to mess with the demons.

A female Demon with purplish wings said with a lustful expression and licking her lips, "Leaving aside your poisonous tongue. Now that I've seen you, I can understand why our monarchs want to obtain you. I really want to have a taste of you~. After we capture you, I will be sure to take my time with you~."

Yasenia sneered, "Having a taste of me? My flavor may be too strong for you, demon. I fear that the moment you get a taste of me, your brain will melt, and you will become retarded."

The demoness's smile widened, and she asked, "How about we test it~? I really want to corroborate whether that statement is true or not. We can take our time in a nearby inn~."

Yasenia turned around without answering and left the entrance free for them to exit the room. "Scram, I have things to ask the Guard Captain."

The first demon laughed and said, "How about we also hear what you want to ask? We don't have any haste, after all."

"I will be waiting for the room to clear out, Guard Captain." Said Yasenia as she went outside with the other three.

The Guard Captain saw Yasenia leaving, so he frowned and said, "All of you, leave. If you don't, I will never answer any other questions you have. Moreover, I will tell the order the townspeople to not sell you anything."

"Huh? A mortal trying to threaten us? Do you think we are afraid of you!?" Said the rash demon.

The female demon grabbed his horn and dragged him outside. "Let's go. Do you think we can hinder her by staying here? She will just go do Monoliths as we lose time here. Then, she just has to check from time to time until we leave. Moreover, the person that just threatened you is the Guard Captain. He should have a lot of authority in this place, so don't be rash and move your ass out of the room!"

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