Chapter 367. A tour through their new house. Transmutation.

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The mansion was expansive and luxurious. It wasn't made of the best materials but had a welcoming and refreshing ambiance. The brown furniture, wooden floor, and stony walls gave it a rustic feeling that allowed for comfort.

After walking through the door, there was a hall with stairs on the far right. There were three doors, one at the left, one at the right, and another in the front.

The door on the left guided them to a passageway that had opened windows on the left side and three white wooden doors on the right. Opening those rooms, they found them out to be guest rooms.

If you followed the hallway, you had one door that sent you to the back garden and another that guided you to the living room. The middle door in the entry hall also headed toward the living room.

It was very wide, and the back wall was made of panoramic windows that opened to the back garden. Through it, they could see a curious Sierra inspecting the rear garden and curiously sniffing around.

Sierra felt their gazes and looked through the panoramic windows at the smiling girls. Thankfully, she had a furry head, or her embarrassment would show on her face. She straightened and walked away elegantly to inspect other places.

They giggled at her antics and looked around the living room. It had three large couches. Two of them were in the middle of the living room, surrounding a rectangular table made of thick wood. The other faced the large transparent panoramic window. The couches were a wine red and looked very comfortable.

Besides this, there was also a hearth with four chairs. The walls were decorated with various paintings and two ample cupboards.

It was very nice and comfy.

They followed to the next door and found the dining room. There was a wide table with almost twenty chairs. There were windows to allow natural light in, and the walls were a comfortable yellow. There were three cabinets with diverse tableware.

Following to the other side of the dining room, there was the kitchen separated by a small hallway that made a ninety-degree turn.

Yasenia observed the kitchen and nodded. "Not bad. I can work with this space."

Evelyn asked, "Can you cook with your form?"

Yasenia shook her head. "I don't know, I probably can't, but I will once I can become human-like again."

They felt it was a shame, but they just nodded.

They did another lap around and saw two bathrooms on this floor—one with a place to bath, the other with three separate toilets.

One of the toilets was a hole in the ground, probably for species that couldn't use a human-like toilet. Not that our girls needed it, but who knew if their guests would need it one day?

After that, they explored the second floor.

It was where the multiple bedrooms were. In total, they counted seven with a main bedroom bigger than the others. The rooms were similar, with a bed that took up almost sixty percent of the room, a wardrobe, a window, and a toilet. Beside the bed was a lamp fueled by special oil and a bedside table.

Yasenia said. "I have the better beds and furniture in general, but let's try to use these. They look comfortable enough. Moreover, I bet all of you will just use the bed in the master bedroom."

They looked at Yasenia with faces that said. "You are speaking the obvious."

They had their dear dragoness close. How could they sleep in a bedroom separated from hers?

Yasenia shook her head with a smile and walked up the stairs toward the final floor.

When they reached it, they were surprised. Not because something special was here, but just the opposite.

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