Chapter 285. Yasenia's convictions.

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Let's go back in time a bit.

After the entrance to the trial swallowed Yasenia, she appeared on a desolate land.

Broken weapons, dead bodies, half-dead people, the smell of blood and death, shouts in the distance, and clashes of weapons.

Everything around her let Yasenia know where she was.

She opened her mouth and voiced a single word. "War."

Nothing would be able to mimic this kind of brutality besides War.

Yasenia saw that the people around her ignored her, so she didn't move. She stayed calm and saw the War up close.

A man swung a sword and bisected another. With a shout of anguish, another took revenge for the first one, brutalizing even the body.

A woman used a spear to attack a horse-rider but was overwhelmed by the war-hammer-wielding cavalry. Her spear was deflected, and the weapon slammed into her face. The aftermath was what anyone would expect—a loud crunch sound followed by an explosion of gore.

Archers fired a round of arrows, hiding the scorching Sun in the sky for a second.

The shield-bearing soldiers raised their shields in hopes that they would be safe. However, the reality was cruel. Lucky or unlucky, depending on the side you battled, the arrows went through the gaps between the shields, killing those they wanted to protect and, sometimes, even the shield bearers.

Death, death, and more death.

Most people's eyes were filled with madness as they killed and tried not to get killed.

This was War.

Brutal, ruthless, and merciless combat where rules mattered to no one and all that was important for the soldiers was one thing. Not the country, not their loyalty, not their battle.

Returning alive.

They fought with their very souls to return alive from the battlefield, where hundreds died every second.

Even if only thirty seconds had passed, Yasenia felt like she had been expecting it for hours. 'To think I was excited to participate in the War. Thankfully, mom traded Feng Yuan's life for my safety.'

The dragoness sighed, 'However, it seems as if that luxury won't apply a second time.'

Suddenly, the voice of a man appeared in her mind. 'You are strong; you are a rapid learner; you are talented; your potential is limitless; your intelligence high. Yet, you are easily controlled by your instincts; you are inexperienced; you don't try to understand where your faults are; you don't try to understand yourself.'

Yasenia frowned at those comments. She wouldn't believe everything a random voice told her. Therefore, she spoke aloud, "It is true that my instincts easily control me sometimes. However, what do you expect from a young dragon like me?"

Yasenia looked up and said with a calm face, "I'm inexperienced. That's a given since I have lived for no more than 21 years. If someone as young as me could be considered experienced in front of thousand-year-old old monsters, it would be strange."

Yasenia sneered, "I don't try to understand my faults? Then, point to me, oh mighty and sage senior, which are these flaws, and I will tackle them head-on! Since I'm inexperienced, I'm unable to find my own shortcomings easily. I need guidance! However, that doesn't mean that once I know them, I will deny them. Once I know them, I will try my best to overcome and correct those faults!

The old man's voice said, "Excuses. So what if you are young? Does that mean your brain is less than an adult's? You always try to find someone to point out where your faults are, wanting to be spoonfed. How about trying to resolve them by yourself? Arrogant and spoiled, that is what your words convey.'

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