Chapter 242. Spending Trial Points in Alchemy.

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Author Note: Sorry for the delay, Wattpad was strange, and I couldn't enter my profile page, edit chapters, or even enter in my own novel.


After walking for some minutes, they reached the alchemy store they first visited. Yasenia spotted a group of cultivators at the counter, speaking with the shopkeeper. First and foremost, the dragoness measured their strength. She didn't want to offend someone stronger than herself. However, after looking for a while, she classified them as "not bad," nothing that could threaten her.

The chubby shopkeeper saw Yasenia and her group approaching and smiled. Even if they hadn't seen for two days, the extremely beautiful dragoness had left a deep impression on him. He could still remember the fragrant moment when Yasenia tap kissed him on the cheek.

He stopped speaking with the other group and welcomed them. "I hope you had a good harvest these days, beautiful Immortal. I've been waiting for your return eagerly!"

Yasenia smiled and answered, "Let's speak later. You can finish your business with them first; we aren't in a hurry."

The group was about to protest but closed their mouths when they heard her. They thought that Yasenia would be unreasonable and go before them, but to their surprise, she didn't take their turn.

One man and five women turned and looked at Yasenia to thank her, only to have their breath stolen by the dragoness. Yasenia looked at their expressions and smirked, amused. 'I hope they are reasonable.'

Angel and Kali had learned to take these reactions with humor while thinking. 'As expected, another group that falls to Yasenia's charm.'

The leader, a handsome young man, presented himself with a charming smile to Yasenia. "Hello. I'm Lin Yuan, from the [Azure Dragon Sect]. It is a pleasure to meet you!"

Yasenia's long tail lazily swished as she answered with a smile on her own. Her voice deep and mellow, tingling their senses. "Good afternoon. My name is Katherine, from the Moon Empire."

Lin Yuan nodded and asked, "Are the four ladies alone? I wouldn't mind adding the four of you to our group. I see that the strongest in your group is on the eight-level, so you might have problems with strong cultivators."

Yasenia saw that all six of them were in the Half-step, so she asked, acting weak. "Um... All of you are in the half-step. Wouldn't we be too much of a bother? Moreover, we won't be able to win too many Trial Points if we challenge the same things as you...."

The man thought that she had a point, so he sighed. "What a shame; I really wanted to have you on our team. Even if your cultivation is low, I can feel that you are somewhat strong."

Yasenia acted flattered, "How could it be? All I am is a pretty face; I'm not as good as the other women in your group."

The women that were getting annoyed because they liked this man felt their anger dissipate and looked at Yasenia more warmly. 'At least she knows her place.' Were the collective thoughts of the women.

Yasenia knew that she had to act that way if she didn't want to begin another scene, so she just accepted their gazes with a smile. That smile made some of them have rosy cheeks. 'W-Well, I can admit that she is indeed beautiful.'

Lin Yuan turned toward the shopkeeper and finished his business in another ten minutes. He tried to convince Yasenia again, but Yasenia kept refusing with a humble attitude. At the end of the conversation, even the women sighed with regret. They thought that they could become good friends with someone like Yasenia.

Then, they bid farewell to Yasenia's group and the left.

When they were far away, the shopkeeper laughed, "What a smooth mouth you have. You fooled them easily. How could beautiful Immortal be as weak as she portrays?"

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