Chapter 368. Contract Orders and [Weather Controlling Primal Stone].

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After Yasenia's explanation, it was clear that the [Earth Refining Cauldron] was a treasure that any power would kill for. The range of use for Transmutation was not only broad, but it was also like having a resource printing machine. Of course, they still had to try to use it. However, it will probably be one of their main treasures when creating items in the long run.

Andrea frowned, feeling that this couldn't be accidentally divulged. "We have to keep this item a secret. If someone discovers its uses, we'll probably have the strongest powers of this Continent knocking on our doors before we invite them to come."

Evelyn suggested. "How about we tie ourselves in a Heavenly Oath? That way, even if we are about to have a slip of the tongue, we'll be able to avoid it."

Yasenia instantly denied it. "This item is certainly precious, but it's not that powerful. I won't allow any of you to become bound to something as dangerous as a Heavenly Oath."

They all understood Yasenia's position in this matter, so they knew that it wouldn't be possible to do it that way.

Andrea looked at Ebirah and said. "Sorry, little one. I will make an order for you, okay? I trust you, but since you are young, having a momentary slip is not uncommon. Do you mind?"

Ebirah shook her head and then nodded. Her vertical pearly black eyes looked resolute as she said in her sweet and sticky voice. "I understand! This is very important for you, after all."

Evelyn looked at Sierra and smirked. "Do you want to experience an order? We can use this instance to see how it feels."

"Sure, I don't mind. I also want to see how much control you have over me."

Andrea smiled and said. "Don't worry, little Ebirah. Once you are an adult, I will undo the order."

Ebirah nodded. "I'm very close to becoming an adult, so I don't mind!"

They were curious, and Angel asked. "How much time?"

Ebirah said with uncertainty. "I think that I need about a year and also enter the Mystical... Oh, I mean, the fourth beast rank!"

Andrea nodded. Then, Evelyn and Andrea spoke at the same time. "As your master, I order you, Sierra/Ebirah, to never communicate, share, or speak anything about this matter to creatures I don't allow."

Sierra and Ebirah felt a strange feeling deep inside them. It felt as if something had been engraved in their core being. However, the sensation disappeared as fast as it came.

They looked at themselves curiously but didn't feel anything wrong. Evelyn asked, "Are you okay, Sierra?"

She nodded her giant wolf head and said, "Yes, nothing wrong. How about you prohibit me from speaking to Angel, and then I try telling her about it?"

Ebirah lifted her pincers and said, "This princess also feels extremely fine~."

They chuckled, and Evelyn did as Sierra told her.

Then, Sierra looked at Angel and opened her mouth. However, the second she did so, a painful electrifying feeling assaulted her throat, making her grunt, unable to speak a word.

She instantly stopped the notion of telling Angel anything, and the pain assaulting her also disappeared.

Sierra frowned. "That's worse than I expected. Little Ebirah, don't try what I did, okay? It really hurts."

Ebirah had seen Sierra's expression, so she nodded very fast. "I don't like pain, so I won't."

Andrea looked at her little friend with slight worry. If even Sierra winced in pain, the feeling must be strong. Ebirah seemed to sense Andrea's concerns, so she said. "Don't worry, Andrea. I won't ever have to feel it, so I rather keep it."

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