Chapter 243. Expensive Formation Books.

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After leaving a shy but sweet feeling Angel between her arms with her kissing attack, Yasenia cleared the misunderstanding, "We are actually wife and wife, not mother and daughter, hahaha."

The woman became somewhat embarrassed because of the mistake. She coughed once to regain her bearing and apologized, "Sorry for the misunderstanding, miss immortal."

Yasenia waved one hand and smiled, "It doesn't matter. Can you help us with Angel's request?"

Angel took out one of the long white sheets and showed it to the woman. The woman's face became serious, and she started analyzing the formation lines.

The connotations were extremely helpful and let the woman understand what Angel wanted. She praised sincerely, "These notes are very well done, miss. I can't imagine how much time you had to take to make them."

Angel tilted her head, confused, "But I only took five minutes."

The woman froze for a second, her eyes looking at the thirty-meter-long sheet with so many characters crammed into it that it would be enough to fill an extremely thick book. 'H-How? I don't understand...'

She coughed again and guided them to another room. She just wanted to be over with these clients before her heart took a serious hit. "Follow me. I have two books about this formation school."

After going through a closed door, they entered another room. There weren't as many items in this room as in the other rooms. However, the quality was much higher, and each item was inside a transparent box, preserved carefully. Yasenia and the others followed her until they reached a stand with two books inside a crystal cabinet. The woman said, "These are the ones. Those formation lines belong to a formation method from before the Heavenly Cataclysm. It was one of the most powerful but, at the same time, one of the hardest to learn. These two books are the first two parts of a Five-Volume set. They are extremely precious, so if you want to buy them... I can't let you buy it for less than 75 000 Trial points each.

Sarah choked, Kali looked at the woman with a skeptical gaze, Angel made a stupid expression, and even Yasenia looked seriously at the woman. Yasenia looked at her extremely attentively and asked, "Are you sure that is the price? I don't want to learn later that we are being scammed. 75 000 Trial points are something only Heaven Gate Cultivators would be able to gather."

The woman looked into the golden slit eyes and felt like an ancient predator had set its eyes on her. Her body tensed, her heart accelerated, and she even started sweating. However, she answered truthfully, "I-I r-really can't lower the price anymore. H-However, the 75 000 are without the 30% discount. So, in truth, you can buy them for 52 500 each."

Yasenia observed her expression for thirty seconds straight. The woman felt that her legs would fail at any moment under so much pressure. Yasenia focused, and besides the growing fear, she didn't feel that the woman was lying.

Yasenia relaxed her aura and returned to her seductive self. She smiled and said, "I'm sorry for doubting you. The price was so exaggerated that I even doubted my ears. Reserve them for us. If any other person comes to get them, communicate with me with these."

Yasenia took out a pair of communication devices, one receiver and one sender, and gave it to the woman. After explaining how they worked, Yasenia warned, "You better not lose them and inform us if someone else wants them. Do you understand?"

The woman nodded hastily, "I will, I will. Don't worry, miss immortal. I won't even speak about them to other customers."

Yasenia nodded and said, "Perfect. Then, we will leave to gather the Trial Points. Thank you for guiding us."

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