Chapter 378. Intent, first step toward law attainment. Stir in the Smithy.

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Meanwhile, Angel, Andrea, Evelyn, Cecile, Kali, and Sierra were walking down the street and looking at the foreign architecture.

Sierra's huge body would generally be an inconvenience and very eye-catching. However, there were plenty of giant races and beasts in this Continent full of exotic variety.

From time to time, they could even spot creatures larger than her, humanoid people that would make Sierra look small, and flying beasts that glided above their heads with massive wingspans.

Angel couldn't help but mutter, her voice laced with awe. "This place is impressive. So many races and creatures. It is very different from our cities."

Evelyn commented. "Visually, it is enjoyable for the eye. However, I'm unsure how the establishments in this city work with such discrepancies in size."

The others were also curious. Even though they'd walked the city before and entered some shops, they had only entered normal-sized stores.

Andrea commented. "How about we enter one of the giant buildings? I'm rather curious. Also, it would be interesting to see a master in our professions to compare with our work. What do you say, girls?"

Kali nodded, her tails swaying as she walked. "I thought we would receive Mirrory's guidance today, but I didn't expect Yasenia and Tatyana to fall asleep like that. Seeing workers in action is a good thing."

Mirrory commented. "I want Tatyana to be present in the demonstration. However, I can tell you that now that you are in the Unification Realm, you will have to work in the soul aspect a lot more, and consequently, you will begin your understanding of the laws."

Cecile raised an eyebrow, interested. "Laws? We'll learn laws soon?"

Thankfully, Mirrory wasn't materialized, or Cecile would have received a glare full of disdain. However, her tone could actually make them imagine her current expression. "Laws? Youngsters like you learning laws? Not even Tatyana's main body has a real understanding of the laws. What can juniors like you do?"

Cecile wasn't offended; this archaic mirror had all the right to be as arrogant as it wanted since its real strength was something unimaginable to them. "Then, what do you mean?"

Valeria took the conversation, explaining more patiently and gently. "You girls have to remember that understanding a law entirely is similar to becoming a god. If you comprehend a law perfectly, everything that doesn't understand them is like an insect in front of you. A thought, and they are gone."

Their face became serious. Such a terrifying power was scary. Valeria chuckled. "Don't worry; only creatures in a high-rank world, stronger than even the Sky Continent, can comprehend complete laws."

Angel suddenly asked. "But I heard senior Tian Long using them before."

Valeria asked Kali. "Can you show me that memory, Kali?"

Kali did so, and Valeria observed the eternal chains attack. Then, she commented. "That's bending the laws, not using them. If that dragon had known how to use the Death Law, he wouldn't have had to materialize to deal with those Demon Monarchs."

They were somewhat speechless but nodded in acceptance. Valeria continued. "However, laws are not learned so easily. There are various steps to take."

"You first must understand an [Intent]. This can channel some concepts into your attacks. For example, if someone had learned about the [Wind Intent], that person would be able to control all wind around them to a certain degree. A person with an Intent is also much more powerful than one without it since Intent is the first step toward learning a law."

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