Chapter 251. Yasenia's scheme and torturing skills. Monolith completed!

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Yasenia shouted, "Stop the carriage!"

Everyone was confused but followed her orders. This Guard Captain had already proved herself to be a force to reckon with, and they respected her orders.

Then, she gathered everyone and looked at their strength. No one was stronger than the seventh level of the Mental-Nourishing realm besides the carriage driver. Yasenia rubbed her chin and thought, 'Now then, are there any more spies besides the defective one?'

Yasenia walked in front of the eight guards and looked at them up and down. She didn't speak, but her expression was serious, and her eyes penetrating.

All of them subconsciously straightened. They didn't know if the dragoness was angry with them because of how they had handled the assassins until now, so their nervousness about suddenly being beaten down by Yasenia was quite high.

And this nervousness would prove to be the correct reaction as the next events followed.

Yasenia stopped in the middle of the seven guards and one carriage driver, five meters away from them, and directly used her [Dragon Strength] and her cultivation aura. The [Dragon Strength] wasn't only a strength buff but also made her presence extremely imposing.


Together, they were like an enormous tide of pure pressure. The eight people couldn't even hold on for a second as their legs gave up, their bodies slamming onto the ground because of it.

The Queen and King looked stupefied at that scene.

Yasenia said, her voice terrifyingly calm in contrast to the situation. "We have little fleas hiding among us. Now I ask these insects, will you appear by yourselves so that I kill you swiftly and painlessly? Or will you try to struggle in vain until I kill you with the most agonizing of deaths?"

Yasenia was controlling her pressure enough so that they could lift their heads and look at her or speak whenever they felt like it. Since she had regulated it for the seventh-level Mental Nourishing guards, Yasenia knew that the driver was faking his current situation. 'Ho ho~, although his methods are defective, his acting skills are top-notch. I wouldn't have realized he was a spy with just this test.'

Yasenia waited for a moment and saw that the eight people had the same expressions of fear, yet no one spoke. She sighed dramatically. "I didn't want to go to those lengths, but you leave me without an option. I will warn you that I know who the spies are. As I'm feeling generous, I will give you five more seconds before we move to the next step."

After counting down to five, Yasenia shook her head, "What a pity."

Then, the dragoness took out a transparent vial filled with a green-red liquid and said, "This thing is called [Hundred Devouring Insects Poison]. As the name suggests, it will create one hundred devouring insect eggs inside you after a single sip. Then, these insects will secrete toxins that heighten a person's sensitivity and eat them inside out without letting them faint. They fed on not only flesh but meridians, energy, and internal organs too. Of course, their favorite food is the Dantian of the cultivators... Quite scary, to be honest."

Yasenia looked at that vial that was created by her little fox and couldn't help but marvel, 'I didn't know that she isn't only a medicine and alchemy genius. Her poison mastery is extremely high as well. I've truly picked up a treasure~.'

Meanwhile, the eight people were frightened out of their minds. This kind of poison won't kill you in one or two hours. Besides paralyzing you almost instantly, it will take at least a week for your life to get consumed by the insects.

They didn't have to hear anymore. All of them began pleading innocence at the same time with terrified voices.

"Guard Captain! I'm loyal to the Queen and King!"

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