Chapter 380. Koran City's Powers. Brilliant Auction event.

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At first, the bear kin began explaining a little about which powers were allocated in the Koran City. There were plenty, so Andrea decided to make a list.

Between all the names he told them, they kept their attention on the major ones. "The city has plenty of influential people. The main reason is that this city, although quite distant from the consequential areas, is a trading point between two outer cities of two of the Three Empires."

The bear kin guided them to a room and sat on an oversized couch. Our girls took their own from the spatial ring and sat before him. "Of all the powers here, you should pay attention to the elders from the Nine sects, generals from the Empires, and influential families from the thirty-three clans. Relationships between them are tense, but if another power begins to rise, it is known and quite common that they would cooperate for a while and eliminate that power unless it becomes part of one of the three large factions."

Andrea smiled. "That's interesting. We would like to know a little more in-depth since there isn't such a delicate power balance in our hometown."

Herian was doubtful. "So you do truly come from a far-away place. I thought that you were kidding. Who would expect something like a [Moon Phoenix] would be birthed in such a remote place."

Andrea shrugged. "Our master is a chosen one, favored by the heavens! Her parents had a small ancestry with the Moon Phoenix, but it was diluted. However, thanks to fate, she was chosen and her blood purified. Thankfully, it was possible to keep it a secret until the master gained enough strength. Now we want to spread our influence slowly."

The bear kin nodded. Andrea continued. "After hearing what you said, we've decided to create a shop in this city and expand from there. Would you be interested in cooperation?"

The bear kin nodded. "Sure, if you can provide a cubic meter of that material per year, we can have a deal. Where are you going to open the shop?"

Andrea shook her head. "We don't know yet. We have to consult it with our matriarch. Although master Cecile and master Kali has plenty of influence, we are still under our matriarch's rule, after all."

Herian's eyebrows twitched. "There is something more terrifying-Ehem! More dignified than miss Phoenix here?"

Andrea smiled mysteriously. "There is. Even master Cecile has to lower her head before our matriarch's bloodline."

The bear kin couldn't help but sweat. 'I almost fainted with the Phoenix's Bloodline pressure. I can't imagine what kind of monster can make this indifferent and aloof Phoenix obey them.'

Andrea suddenly asked. "By the way, master Herian. Do you know a way to make a lot of money fast? We would like to have a good foundation for our shop."

The bear kin rolled his eyes. "If there was such a method, do you think I would easily share it with you?"

However, he suddenly stopped speaking and got thoughtful. Then, he said. "Well, now that I remember, you have a chance to gain a lot of Parus quickly and easily."

They got interested. Andrea had asked randomly, but it seemed it wasn't in vain. Herian said. "Our city's most prestigious auction house will soon open for the yearly auction. I've also heard they've got their hands into a mighty treasure this year, and plenty of powers are coming from across the continent to bid for it."

Herian snorted a laugh. "Moreover, they are lengthening this year's event from one to three days. I heard they accept all kinds of treasures, and depending on the quality, they'll expose them on the first, second, or third day. The later, the better, of course. If your matriarch has something interesting she can sell, she will be able to participate in this event and make quite a lot of money. Moreover, as long as they are good with words, creating alliances and other connections won't be too hard."

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