Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 1

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Chapter notes; So just a friendly reminder...there is much more done on this story than people realize. I've only begun to load it slowly onto Wattpad. Every time I have a chance I will upload one chapter at a time onto Wattpad but do so slowly over time to balance out needs.

So right now you might only see a few chapters up but if you go to this link you will see the others -->

One of the reasons I am doing this is I hate the review system on Royal Road. This story started out getting 4.5 average out of 5 stars, but then people just started getting impatient over the slow detailed buildup and knocking it because of various reasons...revenge for taking their own story's spot etc. and I am kind of fed up with that site. It's very easy for people to bash an author's work on that site and I keep hearing this site is kinder. So I'd like to give it a try.

Please lend me your support and kindness.

Chapter 1

"Yo, what up Tanaka," one of the other students said. Near me they were talking. They hadn't noticed me yet, and I was trying to finish up my math homework while things were going on around me, but it's easy to get distracted.

I'd tried to finish last night, but the last two problems happened to be difficult story problems. I hadn't quite managed to figure them out, but felt I was really close. If only Sensei were late today, I might be able to finish at least one more of them so I could get an A on the homework.

"Hey man, did you bring it?" Aikawa said. They were acting like they were smuggling drugs, but they weren't that clever. Unfortunately it was only video games with risqué ecchi themes and they didn't want to get caught.

"It's right here! Check it out!"

They were talking about their new games. One of them had pulled the game manual from their backpack and they were whispering about it excitedly after that.

So distracting...

I kept marking my paper and the sounds of my furious pencil worked nervously that others heard near me.

I wasn't really officially part of their group but sometimes they'd talk to me, particularly if there was a new game out. They sat next to me, in front of me to be exact. Because of it, I was always pulled into their chatter even if I didn't like it.

They were also really loud in the morning. Plus they were so nerdy it was embarrassing to hear about. I didn't want to be included in their odd manners and strange behavior. Already some of the girls had zeroed in on their weirdness and were glaring at them.

Yeah, I'm glad they didn't identify me as part of that. I didn't mind the games but losing pretty girls to be branded the nerd club sounded like suicide to me...

Around us the girls were also talking on the side of the room closest to the door. It was Aigawa (no relation to the other Aigawa), Inoue, and Yoshida. Most the girls in the class wanted to be just like them. They were a mix of both disciplined and studious girls and one of them a bit of a rebel. But they were all nice looking, like some of the best looking girls in our school.

Several of them had come in just late enough to be cool but not actually be on the edge of discipline. Because it was Monday we knew Miss Asakura was coming in late from a faculty meeting like she did every Monday morning. I couldn't hear what they were talking about, because the room was full of kids. All together this class had about thirty people in it.

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