Upa x Reader: Frienamies

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Don't even know if I spelt the title right.

"Move child!" You try and push the young kid away with your foot.

"You're a child too!" He retorts.

"Oh, so you admit you are one." You relax against a wall in your cell, cell 8.

"That's not what I said." A blush appears on his face.

"Children! Quit yelling! Liang and I are trying to watch t.v!" Qi calls from the other end.

"What did you call me?!" Both yourself and Upa yelled offended.

"So they can refer to each other as children but no one else can't huh?" Liang sweat drops.

Yeah.....arguing yet having each other's backs was the kind of relationship the two of you have.

-----The Next Day-----

It the time of day where the inmates go outside to train and work out. They used a separate space than the court yard. I guess you could say this place for more of the training grounds.

"Quit it!" You yelled at Upa.

"Then leave me alone so I can meditate!" Upa yells back.

Samon looks over and sighs frustrated. "They were so obedient and quiet before they met. Ever since they've met they're hard to handle."

"That's kids for ya." Inori comments from beside Samon.

Samon sighs and looks over at the two 11 year olds. He then warns Upa, "No.58! Don't dropkick a girl!"

"She started it!" Upa comments immediately.

"Thanks Upa. Just like a gentlemen." You reply sarcastically.

----Time Skip----

It was now dinner and the inmates were waiting in line to get their dinner.

Tonight it was pizza.

"The (favourite pizza), both of them please." You smiled kindly. It was the last two slices of your favourite pizza and you wanted them.

"Don't hog it all." Upa says from behind you.

"You'd be surprised on how much pizza I can eat." You comment.

"You can pig out later, take one. I want the other slice." Upa reaches out his plate to have the chef put the slice on.

"Wait in line child!" You try and push him away with your elbow.

You both struggled to push each other out of the way, when Inori had enough and walked over.

"Time out. Do not feed." He simply says as he grabs you both by the back of your collars and carries you both to a near by table.

"Hey!" You struggle in his grasp.

"Put us down lazy!" Upa struggles along with you.

The struggles real

"Finally." Liang sighs. Himself and Qi then take their slice of pizzas.

"These too." Qi points over at the pizza slices his two young friends fought over.

He receives the slices.

Liang looked over at Qi's place and sees 3 slices.

"You baby them too much." He comments.

Yeah, he knew the slices his friends argued over was for them.

Let's just say the guards, inmates wait no....EVERYBODY in building 5, were relieved that they didn't hear the two of you argue the rest of the night.

Maybe they should give them pizza more often. Just to shut em up.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now