Seitarou x Reader: Resting

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Seitarou x wife reader
Domestic fluff

Rushing towards the oven, you opened the oven door, taking a peek at the cookies.

"I'd say another five minutes will do." You nod, closing it back up.

Reaching over, you press the 'timer' button and went to the positive button.

"Five minutes," You mumbled, stopping at five.

Just as you were gonna go finish up the dishes, you leaned onto the counter. Hand against your forehead, you scrunched your eye brows in pain.

Fighting through it, you slowly made your way to the kitchen sink.

Just as you picked up the rag, you gasped, "Oh. The laundry."

Placing the rag down, you sped walked down the hall and towards the laundry room.

Starting up the machine, you picked up the basket of dirty laundry you had prepared and placed it on the dryer as you went through it.

"Good. Good. Good. Good. Red." You threw the red bra over your shoulder. You didn't want your whites to go pink. You also weren't sure how Seitarou would feel about owning a pair of pink underwear.

Once the laundry was double checked and in the water, you reached for the detergent.

Pouring it into the cup at about halfways, you moved to dump it in the machine-

"I thought I told you not to over work yourself?" The soft yet strict voice of your husband spoke.

Startled, you dropped the bucket of laundry detergent in the machine instead of the cup.

"Ah!" You gasped.

Seitarou watched with a weird expression as you fumbled around.

He sighs.

"(Y/n)," He calls for your attention.

"Hm?" You hummed, still trying to fix your mistake.

"Just stop." He replies, making you sulk in a corner.


Hearing shuffling behind you, you felt a hand grab your ubber arm, pulling you up gently.

"Go to bed. Lay down for a bit." He smiles.


"Please?" He then gave you those eyes. Those big magenta eyes, glossy, lips in a pout.

Staring in adoration, you nodded.

"He's like an adorable little puppy." You fangirled to yourself, leaving the laundry room.

"Huh?" Seitarou gasped with a blush.

Somehow making it to your bedroom without passing out somewhere, you threw yourself onto the bed.

It was a few minutes before Seitarou walked into the room.

"Why do you overwork yourself so much?" He asks, taking a seat beside you on your shared bed.

Hesitating, you spoke, "...Because I'm your wife and a wife should do home chores while the man is at work."

"Please, if anything I'm the wife in the marriage." His deadpan felt like an arrow shot threw you.

"You even said so yourself on hour honey moon after we got married." Another arrow shot threw you with his deadpan points.

Laughing, you looked over your shoulder, "That does sound like something I'd say. Hehe."

He laughed with you for a moment.

Then, he became serious. "Why do you overwork yourself?"

Falling silent, you fiddled with your fingers.

"Well?" He urged.

Letting out a breath of air you didn't know you were holding in, you sat up and faced him.

"I feel like I have to work more to be the perfect wife."

He blinked taken back, "But you are the perfect wife."

Shaking your head, you crossed your arms into an 'X', "Bzz, bzz," You made a buzzing noise of disapproval, "The perfect wife does the house chores while the husband is at work. That's logic. Just watch any movie. I guarantee you it's in-"

He had stopped you by shyly pressing his lips to your own.

Eyes widen, you blushed pink.

Pulling away, he smiled with a blush, "Don't believe anything you see on tv. You are the perfect wife."

Before you would reply, he continued, "If you overwork could end up sick. Then...I might end up with no wife."

His voice cracked as he spoke. Tears swelled in his eyes.

Pulling him into a hug, you stroked his head with a smile, "I promise I'm not going anywhere near death."

"Please don't leave me behind." He cried into your breasts.

"I won't. I'll take it easy from now on okay?" You felt him nod.

You stayed like that for a few minutes. You comforting him as he cried.

After he calmed down he pulled away, "What's that smell?" He sniffed the air. "It's like...somethings burning."

Gasping, you ran out of bed, "The cookies!"

"Take it easy!" He called after you.

Shaking his head, he chuckled, "What am I gonna do with you?" He looked over at the wedding picture on the nightstand. He smiled at it.

"I wonder if she ever thinks about having children." He mumbled to himself with a soft blush and smile.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now