Upa x Reader: Frienamies pt.2

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The two 11 year olds. They are the youngest to be in Nanba Prison. Arriving only at the age of 9. Some adored them. How can they not? Well, they adored them at certain times. When they are together, they are little devils.

"You hate me." Upa narrows his eyes at you.

"I'm not saying I hate you, I'm saying if you we're to get hit by a bus, I would be the one driving that bus." You pout.

You both looked at each other and glared. It was like a lightning strike battle between the two of you.

"Would you two shut up? We would like to eat breakfast in peace." Liang comments irritated.

"I'm gonna go sit somewhere else. Let's go (Y/n)." Qi picks up his plate and walks over to a different table, one a good distance away from Upa and Liang.

"Fine." You huff.

"Fine." Upa says.

"Good!" You shout.

"Good!" Upa shouts.

"Shut up!" Qi and Liang groaned in unison.

-----Time Skip-----

In cell 8, it was pretty quiet. Aside from Liang working out in the cell, the television, but it was quite peaceful. For once.

Qi is reading his book, Upa is meditating, you are drawing, it's quite regular-aside from the bickering and yelling.

You stood up from your spot and walked over to the cell door.

Youriki just happened to be making his rounds, which is perfect.

"Can I go get a drink of water?" You ask politely.

He stops by your cell and nods, "Very well. Make it quick." He unlocks the cell for you.

You smile and turn to look at the closest person near your stuff, "Child, watch my stuff."

Upa opens an eye lid and looks at you uninterested, "Um why? Is it gonna do a trick?" He says sarcastically.

"So no one miss places it, dumbass." You bark.

-----Time Skip-----

It was now 11pm and inmates were falling asleep, a guard in the monitoring room, other guards and staff heading home, and lights we're going out.

"Don't breathe on me." You grumble.

"Wasn't planning too." Upa grumbles back.

You both faced opposite directions as you slept back to back.

Upa's bed broke due to a mishap that happened while himself and Liang trained in the cell.

He wouldn't be able to get a new bed until tomorrow so he would have to either share a bed with one of you three, or use a sleeping bag.

Even though the sleeping bags are quite comfortable, actual beds are nice.

Now he could have shared with Qi, to which he replied with, "I don't want to sleep with trash."

He also could have shared with Liang, however, the beds were made for one person so they wouldn't fit together on the bed.

As for you, since you are both small, you could share the one person bed without much of a problem with area and blanket.

It wasn't long when you fell asleep. Upa was having trouble.

Your bed is right by the cell window, how you preferred. It was chilly out but you are used to it. He isn't.

"Damnit." He curses under his breathe.

With an annoyed yet embarrassed look, he turns over and carefully wraps his arms around your warm figure.

To his surprise, you turned over and looked up at him with tired eyes.

"If you were cold you could have just said something. You wouldn't be hugging me right now if you said something." You yawned the last bit.

He blushes, "I wa-wasn't cold. I just uh...." He trails off not knowing how to cover this up.

You smile, "If you weren't cold then you just wanted to hug me. I thought you hated me?"

His eyes soften, "I never said I hated you, it's just that if you were throw out a plane I'd be the one who threw you out."

You roll your eyes, "Okay....I deserved that."

Then, you fell asleep in a bliss.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now