Honey x Reader x Trois: Attached

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"Always aim for the heart. It's fragile. Even if you are heartless and a cold bitch." You explain to a few of your prison inmates.

It was a nice day today. The sun was out, but it wasn't burning you alive. It was nice and cool but not freezing cold. It was cloudy but not too cloudy.

Bunny and Three were with you in the training area, obviously training.

"Three! Quit staring!" You demanded Trois.

"It's Trois, and I can't help it. You're quite beautiful." Trois grabs your hand, staring into your eyes.

Your eyes glossened, cheeks turned pink, and a shy smile graced your face.

"Three..." You trailed off. "Cut the crap." You deadpanned, taking your hand away from him.

Honey laughs, "Too bad Trois. I think you've lost your touch with the ladies. This rose refuses to say your name right."

You point a finger at him, "Get back to training Bunny." You demand.

His hair changed into orange arrows, "My names not Bunny!"

"When you aren't an arrow head I picture you as a bunny. Trois is still three. My names for you are close enough." You mumble.


The three of you sat in the mess hall, eating dinner.

"I've been meaning to ask, how did you land yourself in prison?" Trois questions after swalling a bite of his food.

Honey looks over interested.

Taking a sip of your wayer, you let out a satisfied sigh.

"Well, assassination isn't as easy as it seems. Especially when it comes to plans. You're lucky if it goes exactly according to the plan. The chance of that happening though is 10%. You gotta have a back up plan, and that backup plan is gonna need a back up plan. Hell, there are many times where you gotta think of something on the spot. Unfortunately, none of my plans went well so I needed to come up with something, right then and there. I panicked and ended up getting caught. Next thing I knew, I found myself traveling the world, going from prison to prison because of my escapes. When I get the chance, I'm ditching this island." You mumble the last part.

Honey grabbed your hand, "Like hell you are."

Trois grabbed your other hand, "For once I agree with Honey. You are not going anywhere. Not until your sentence is finished of course."

You pulled your hands away, going back to your food.

'They are so...attached to me.' You thought anused.

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