Rokuriki x Reader: Tease

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Sorry for not updating yesterday. I had to stay home from school when I got home from lunch. I had an appointment and the whole thing was like four hours 😑 by the time I got home I was tired, hungry, thirsty and dead inside

"Yo!" You raised your arm lazily and did a peace sign.

"(Y/n)! I am not here!" He whisper yells in a rush. You looked at him confused. It didn't help either when he just dove under the table you were sitting at.

The white table cloth covered him as he hid under the small table. It wasn't too small but it was basically a six ed those booths you see at restaurants. You are at the food court in the mall so that's probably why. Anyways.

"What are you-" You lean down and lift the white sheet. Rokuriki quickly grabbed the sheet and brought it back to its place so hide him.

"I forgot to give Kokoriki and Youriki their money. I borrowed some off of them awhile ago and I'm supposed to pay them back today but payday isn't until next week. They're angry with me so hide me!" He whisper yells.

"Alright then." You sigh with a sweat drop.

You went back to reading.

You couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable though. Being the only female guard in Nanba, the Warden gave you permission to wear your uniform to how you want it. As long as it was appropriate.

And you went with a skirt. You don't normally wear them. However your reason? You just hoped to gain Rokuriki's attention this way.

You being the sly person you are, had an idea. You blushed. It was pretty embarrassing but at the same time it sounded like something you would do. Especially to Rokuriki. You always tease him so this wouldn't look too suspicious.

Reaching a hand under the table, you searched for his head. In know time, you found him. You grasped his hair, opened your legs slightly and placed his head between them. You also squeezed your legs a bit so he won't escape.

Rokuriki blushed massively. He had a slight nose bleed looking at your underwear.

"Hey (Y/n). Do you know where Rokuriki is?" He hears Youriki walk up to your table.

"Nope. No one here but me." You say innocently.

"Damn it. Thanks anyways. Kokoriki, he's not here either." Youriki walks off to Kokoriki.

You watched as they both left the food court, then opened your legs, freeing Rokuriki.

He got out form under the table and turned to you.

"Thanks (Y/n). You're a life saver." He smiles.

"It's no problem." You smile cutely. Then, you look up at him innocently but with a teasing look, "Hey uh, you didn't peak up my skirt...or did you?"

Rokuriki blushes and panics, "Nope! Not even a little bit!"

"Oh? That's too bad?" You pout teasingly.

"H-hey now-" He starts.

"There you are." His brother growl from behind him.

"Better run. You have company." You smile amused.

"Crap!" Rokuriki begins running away from his brothers.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now