Kenshirou x Reader: Happy Valentines Day

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"What is this?" Kenshirou looks at the bento you have with you.

"A bento obviously."

"I mean what's inside the bento." He raises his voice a bit, getting annoyed that he came all the way from building 4 to building 8 just to look at a bento.

"Jeez, cool your jets dog. I should seriously put you on a leash one day." You mumble the last part.

It didn't go unnoticed by Kenshirou, he chose to ignore it. It was best.

"Can you just get to the point? I have work to do." He closes his eye impatiently. He looked calm and relaxed-which is true-but you knew he was getting impatient.

"Alright, alright." You wave your hand, as if dismissing the tense atmosphere.

Hoping off the large counter in building 8's kitchen, you held up the bento to him.

"Here. I made this for you." You look down with a smile, pink dusting your cheeks.

"You did? May I ask why?" He was glad you were hiding your face. Or else you would have seen the pink on his face.

" was Valentine's Day so.....yeah.." You trail off awkwardly.

"Valentines Day was nearly 3 months ago." He deadpans.

You blush some more, the smile didn't faulted though, "I know that. It's just if I did do something for you on V-day...then that would be so cheesy."

"I should have known. You we're never one for such things on a romantic holiday." He smiles.

You laughed, "Yeah, I guess I never was huh?"

"Certainly." He nods amused.

He then placed the bento down, opened it to reveal a fluffy omelette.

He stared at it in awe.

"This is the most beautiful omelette I've ever seen." He says.

"Okay so it looks good but does it taste good..." You say worriedly to yourself.

"Why don't we find out?" He says.

You look at him confused. He cuts out a piece of the omelette and holds it to your mouth.

"Hold on dog! I'm supposed to feed you! It's your gift!" You shout.

"You had to kill the moment didn't you?!" He yells.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now