Guards x Reader: Girl Problems

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You tapped your finger on the desk impatiently.

Kazari sat down in the chair, looking through some blueprints.

Just then, Momoko walks in the lab.

"Why isn't he noticing me?" She whimpered.

You rolled your eyes, "Is this about Hajime again? Get over it. He's obviously not into you. He's terrified of you. Geez, get a life."

She sobs loudly.

Kazari looks away from the blueprints and frowns.

"C'mon ladies. Do not fight. We're friends aren't we? We should get along."

You scoff, "What's up with you? Are you drunk?"

Kazari stands up, "Aww, is somebody wanting a hug?" She walks over and hugs you.

You stiffen up, "Get. Off."

"Why is everyone ignoring me?" Momoko cries to herself.


"What's up with those three? It's horrifying." Kiji comments.

"I've been with Kazari for many years and I still can't figure her out sometimes." Okina shakes his head.

"Ms.Hyakushiki acts like this from time to time. But she usually beats anyone who has seen her like this. I'm surprised Kazari and (Y/n) are still alive." Mitsuru nods his head.

"We should come back another time. It's freaking me out." Okina walks away.

The other two glance at him before turning back to the scene in front of them; Momoko crying, you getting pissed off, Kazari being friendly and happy.

Kiji and Mitsuru leave their place and follow after Okina.

The three walked in silence before Mitsur spoke up, "Don't they have the tickets?" Kiji and Okina freeze.

The three were planning to see a movie. They waited a whole year for it. Yes. These three. Surprisingly, they all love Fairy Tail. They also wanted to see the Dragon Cry movie.

"Crap. I forgot." Okina cusses under his breathe.

"First things first, are we sure they have the tickets?" Kiji questions.

Okina turns to the drag queen, "Yes. I made Kazari stand in line for six hours to get the tickets."

Kiji sweat drops, "Such a loving husband."

"What are we gonna do? They're all acting different, I don't wanna go deal with that. It's hard enough dealing with Ms.Hyakushiki even when she is normal." Mitsuru says.

The three stand in silence, thinking about the situation.

".....we could try and take the tickets from them. It's possible that they are holding them in there pockets and bags." Okina suggests.

Kiji nods, "Not a bad idea but there is a flaw. Getting a hold of the bags will be easy. But getting into there pockets? It's hard enough for me to get in (Y/n)'s pants." Kiji sighs drastically at the end.

"We don't need information on your sex life with your fiancé Mitsuba." Okina sweat drops.

"Back to the matter at hand. We need to get those tickets before the screening. They're screening it once in certain areas of certain countries. We're lucky it's screening at the theatre on an ISLAND." Mitsuru speaks up.

"You got a point. We have to at least try. The screening is tonight." Kiji crosses his arms.

Okina nods, "I didn't wait a year just for those three to screw it all up."


Kiji quietly made his way through his apartment. He was trying to go to the bedroom he shared with his lover. He was still a little on edge after witnessing your 'beast mode' earlier.

The bedroom was just at the end of the hallway. To go there, he had to pass by your dressing room-his wedding gift to you-and you happened to be in there.

"You can do this Mitsuba. She's just you fiancé. What can she do? She can hit you, she can yell at you, she can leave you....she can move on....I could die alone..." He trailed off. "That escalated really quickly."

Shaking his head, he focused on the task: Go to the bedroom to change.

He quickly-but quietly-made his way past your dressing room.

He peeked in and saw you digging through some clothes. He over heard you mumbling to yourself, "Aww my white clothes are all stained red now. Periods are such a pain in the ass."

He stops and stares into the room. "So you're acting like a beast because of that monthly visit?" He asks, startling you.

You jump before turning around, "Kiji! How did you know?"

He smiles, walking into your dressing room.

"I overheard. Though I'm not very proud of it. We've been together for six years and I can't tell when you're on your period." He chuckles to himself.

You giggle, "It's fine. I normally try my best to hide it. Guess I couldn't anymore." You lean on his shoulder.

It's silent for a moment. Rather calming. You liked it. You both do.

"So now that you're done your period, wanna have fun?" He suggests.

You push him away, "No. Besides I'm pretty sure it's still bloody down there. Do you really wanna get into that?" You raise an eye brow.

He stands up immediately, "Excuse me. I'm gonna go vomit." He leaves the room.

You giggle amused.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now