Yamato x Reader: Tears

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Sitting on the couch, you stared down at your hands.

Your heart ached.

The events that happened today at work, was certainly unexpected.

Hearing the door lock click, with a happy hum, someone walked into the apartment.

You knew who it was instantly.

"(Y/n)? I've finished up work and training." Yamato walked into the living room.

Taking a deep breathe, your breathe shook.

Just as he turned the corner, you put up a fake smile, "Welcome home Yamato. Is there anything you'd want for supper? I've been deciding since I got home but I haven't been able to think of anything. So then I thought, hey, why don't I wait for Yamato? I mean, I'm always just cooking whatever without really giving it a thought. So, what would-"

"You're rambling." Yamato comments with a smile.

Gasping quietly, you recollect yourself. "What do you mean? I'm not rambling." Your nervous laugh gave you away even more.

Walking over, Yamato takes a seat on the couch.

"What happened?" Your husband asks calmly.

Now, Yamato may be an air head and pretty damn loud but when it came to his wife, he knew what he was doing and would always be there when he needed to.

Staring back down at your hands, you frown. "I thought I did good. Turns out my supervisor is already upset with me."

Frowning, the memory of your supervisor at your new job came to mind.

"He yelled at me. A lot. He seems to always be glaring. Looks like he wants to eat me alive for such a little guy." Tears prick your eyes.

Ever since you were young, you were sensitive. Getting yelled at, getting in an argument, someone dissapointed in you, you've always been sensitive to that sort of stuff. Yamato was pretty loud. Of course he doesn't mean any harm but the fact that his loud voice seems to always be booming, well, it's a miracle how you ended up with him despite your constant fear.

"I'm sure it will get better. At least you know whatever you did, not to do it next time." Your husband reasurred you.

Smiling slightly, you mumble, "Yeah...that is true."

Nodding, he stares at you curiously, "By the way, who is your supervisor?"

Shrugging, you sticked your tongue out teasingly, "I don't know. Just some little colourful guy named after food."

-----The Next Day-----

Looking up at the large building, you gulped nervously.

'I can't believe he got so fed up with me that he actually worked to get me transferred here.' You thought.

Forcing yourself, you timidly walk over to your new assigned building; building 13.

Opening the large doors, you step inside, shutting the double doors behind you.

"Hello?" Your voice wavered out.

"Are you the new guard?" A deep voice spooks you.

Squeaking, you turn around to see a man, seeming to be just as tall as Yamato. 'Holy shiznuts! This guy's a taller, bald version of Tomato!' You freaked out in your head.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" The loud, joyful laughter of your husband echos through the hall.

Smiling brightly, you run off towards the voice, completely forgetting about the man with the scar on his face.

"Yamato!" You called.

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