Samon x Reader: Hormones

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'I wonder if I should be here?' You thought to yourself.

Just to be safe, you moved further up in the back row.

Nanba's New Years Tournament is currently taking place, and you invited yourself.

Looking around the stadium, you noticed Samon near the front row, with a few guards and inmates. Most likely discussing their strategy.

"He must be participating this year." You spoke to yourself, recalling last year's tournament-when he stayed out of it, still hurt over what he did.

Gently placing your hand on your tummy, you spoke in gentle and baby-ish tone, "Daddies very strong darling. He will protect you, just like mommy will."

Taking note of the baby voice you just did, you giggled.

A month pregnant and you were already doing the baby voice. It wasn't even here yet.

Feeling a pair or eyes on you, you looked up and followed where you sensed it.

Samon looked up you taken back.

Excusing himself from his company, he ran over and up to you.

His large hands grasped your shoulders, "What are you doing here?"

Smiling innocently, you played lost bird, "Whatever do you mean my love?"

He deadpans, "You know what I mean." He then grasped your hand, "Please go back home. You should be resting."

"I could stay." You said, pulling away.

"You can't though. What if you get hurt? This is a dangerous place to be at." At his words, you frowned.

"So...why are you here then?"

His eyes widened.

You continued, "If its dangerous, why are you here? I don't wanna raise this thing on my own."

Smiling gently, he held your cheek, making you look at him in the eyes, "I promise I won't leave your side."

-----Extended----- (I originally wanted to end it on a sweet and cute ending but I couldn't help myself with this next bit :P just a warning that this will pretty much ruin the somewhat cute chapter)

A friend from Samon's work left the apartment, leaving with a present he had for you-as a congratulations for a soon to be mother.

Sitting on the couch, you fiddled with your fingers.

"I feel bad." You husband sigh.

He took a seat next to you on the couch.

"Yeah." You nodded.

"I mean, it's not like we're letting him out of our lives! He justs....needs to back off a bit with the presents and stuff." Samon continued.

"Yeah." Your voice shook this time.

He looked over concerned, "Are you...gonna cry?"

You broke down, "Yeah!"

He stood up nervously, "Is it hormones or actual tears?"

"I don't know anymore!" You cried into your hands.

"Okay...I'll go get him." He stood up, grabbing his jacket.

"Just go already stupid bitch!" You exclaimed.

He stared at you with a sweat drop, "...."

Looking up, you apologized, "Sorry....that was the hormones."

He then nodded before going after your friend.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now