Guards x Reader: Valentines Special

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Valentines Day.

A wonderful celebration of love. The entire holiday is about love.

How most people celebrate Valentines Day, is with a partner. Whether it's a date or just hanging out, it's a special time of year to really show how much you love them.


Because a certain little brat-I mean angel-wants a party to celebrate the day of love.

Let's see how our guards are doing with the preparations, shall we?


"Move it, rabbit!" Mao shoved the rabbit like guard to the wall.

Tomato grunted and tried to keep his balance. He turned to glare at his companion. "You should have been out of the way, cat!" He shoves him back.

Mao recovers from his slip and narrows his eyes at the guard he is forced to work with.

Placing the box down, he grabbed a couple of paper heart cut outs, his gaze not ever leaving Tomato. Mao followed suit. Both of them in a stance, getting ready to attack with well...the power of love.

They both threw the hearts at one another like ninja stars. It was kinda fun until,

"AH! PAPERCUTS!" They shouted very loudly.


"Little sister is gonna look so cute when she wears this." Hitoshi smiled happily, thinking of his 'little sister'.

Kenshirou looked over from the various dresses and bows.

"She has enough drsses. Why make her another?" He questioned, eyeing the fabric Hitoshi holds.

Hitoshi pouted, "You could never have enough dresses." He holds up the fabric again and smiles, "And besides, this pattern and colour will be absolutely adorable on her."

Kenshirou stares at him taken back, "IS THAT MY CAPE!?"

"You have like fifteen of these!" Hitoshi argues adorably. "In pink!" He adds.

"Real men wear pink!" Kenshirou blushes.


Momoko hummed a happy tune to herself, a happy smile on her face as she stirred the batter of little (Y/n)'s favourite flavour.

"I wonder what Hajime's favourite cake is." She swooned to herself.

Her fantasy is short lived when a wild Mitsuru popped up outta no where!!

"Nows not the time sweet cheeks." He licked the icing around his mouth in his chibi form.

"AAAHHHHH! HOW MUCH DID YOU HEAR??!!" She shrieked, breaking the wooden spoon.

"Enough to know that you care for senpei more than an innocent child who loves you more than anything. I'm sure if she was here, she would be hurt. Her poor little heart, wounded." Mitsuru wiped a dramatic tear away.


"Hold on, I never said you didn't love her."



"Please let us rent out this building. I'm begging you!" Seitarou bowed respectively towards the owner of the bowling ally.

Yamato laughed from across the room, "HAHAHA What a wonderful place to throw a party!"

Seitarou cried, "I can't believe I forgot to book someplace to even HAVE the party."

Yamato grabbed a bowling ball and got ready to roll it at the pins ahead of him, "You shouldn't worry so much. It's bad for your healthy. And you need health to get strong!" He laughed, slamming the bowling ball at the pins.

"You just broke the floor, the wall, the pins, and even the ball! Get out!" The owner of the ally cried.


"This.Brat." Ruka's eye twitched in annoyance.

Kiji tore his gaze from the invitation list and raised a brow, "What is it?"

"She expects so much! I'll never get this done in time!" Ruka exclaimed, towing the pink, purple and white cards in the air in frustration.

"I'm sure it's not that bad." Kiji rolls his eyes. He walks over, "After all, she's just a child-"

He stares at the card with a look of 'are you kidding me'.

"Theirs so much detail! Just who does she think we are!? Superheros! We'll never get this done!" Kiji shouts.

They both screamed, dreading the next few hours of card designing. They had to follow your example and my, their is so much detail.



"Jeez." Samon sweat dropped.

Hajime slumped over, "Yeah." He grumbled out an agreement.

The two guards stood behind a pick up truck, staring at the multiple boxes that it holds.

"Just how much shit is here?" Samon walks over, grabbing a few boxes.

"Well theirs these boxes of extra decoration and a monkey for entertainment." Hajime grabs a few boxes.

Samon blinked, "What monkey? Did she actually put one in a box?"

Hajime opened a box and to his luck, found a mirror.

"This monkey," He held it in front of Samon, "And I could do her a favour of stuffing you in a box." He walks off.

Samon growls, "Oh fuck you!"


"Wow!" Seven year old (Y/n) awed at the sight of her Valentines party.

Paper hearts on walls, streamers hanging on the ceiling, lots of cake and cupcakes at the snack table, many pretty dresses lined up in case she wants a dress change. Just so much of it was amazing.

"This is wonderful!" She ran around the room at full speed. All the guards blinked, loosing sight of her almost instantly.

'Damn she's fast.' They all thought with a blink.

She then appears into the queens vision, making them both shriek and jump, "Gahhh!!"

"How did the invitation process go? Huh? Huh? Huh?" She jumped up in down at each word.

Ruka pulled out a few cards, each looking exactly like the one you made for them to follow.

Her eyes sparkled, "they're perfect!"

Hitoshi stepped behind her, "I made you a dress." He held it up.

Little (Y/n)'s eyes sparkled even more-if that were possible. "Awe! It's so much prettier than my dress!" She refers to the dress she's currently wearing.

"I could help you put this one on." Hitoshi smiled.

The girl agrees and runs to the bathroom to get changed, Hitoshi right behind her.

Seitarou sighed in relief, "Do you think she noticed the parties in the underground level?"

Yamato sweat drops, "I hope not."

"Did she even looked at our hearts?" Mao leaned over to Tomato.

"No." Tomato popped a vein.

They both stood in the corner, bandaged up from their papercuts.

Happy Valentines Day! The inmates one will be coming out shortly :)

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