Hitoshi Adventures|Siblings Boyfriend

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Walking merrily down the hallways, Hitoshi hummed to himself.

Kenshirou assigned him to deliver some files to building 13, which the young Sugoroku happily agreed.

If theirs something Hitoshi loves doing, it's visiting his big brother.

About to knock on the iron office door, he stopped himself when hearing the voice of the third, Sugoroku.

"Toshi!" You chimed.

The blonde turned with a smile, "(Y/n)! What are you doing here?"

Stepping in front of him, you held up a basket, "I was delivering lunch to Hajime bro. Earlier this morning, Hajime seemed to have forgotten his lunch so I was gonna bring it to him."

Hitoshi nods and stares at you curiously, "How did you get passed security? Those things are so over done."

Winking, you gave him a thumbs up, "I'm not telling Toshi."

He smiled at his younger sister.

(Y/n) (L/n) is the third Sugoroku, the sister of Hajime Bro, and Toshi (Hitoshi). Just like with Hitoshi, Hajime brought along you with him to Nanba island. The three of you lost your parents at a young age and once Hajime was old enough and legally allowed to care for his younger siblings, he didn't hesitate to take the two of you out of childcare and live together.

Hajime at 29, Hitoshi at 23 and you at 17, life was pretty hectic.

Hitoshi knocked on the door.

"Yamato, just go train. Work that borner...off...."Hajime trailed off when opening the door to reveal his younger siblings.

Hajime looked mortified, Hitoshi looked freaked out, and you were just dying.


"Wait.....did you and that monkey break up?" You asked, taking a sip of tea.

A tick mark popped on Hajime's head, "Why do you always go to that conclusion!?"

Shrugging, you replied, "I don't know. It's just a go to thing I guess. Just ignore it if you don't like it."

Hajime was gonna retort back before deciding he still loves his sister and doesn't what her to die by his hands.

Hitoshi spoked up, "So what's going on?"

Hajime looked away stubbornly. "It's not what you think. Someone slipped something in our drinks last night and it kinda....gave us...." He trailed off awkwardly, hoping YOU would catch on. Hitoshi's too innocent. Well, we hope he still is.

You nodded, "Okay....yeah I get it. I don't want to but I get it."

-----Extended ending that has pretty much nothing to do with what's happened already-----

"Hajime Bro!" You ran down the apartment hallway to Hajime's study.

Hitoshi followed behind, being told to by you.

"What is it?" Hajime asked, looking away from some book he was reading.

You and Hitoshi leaned on one another for support.

"I kinda like someone and I since I'm turning 18 soon, it's illegal now to date em right Hajime bro?" You blinked.

Immediately, Hitoshi gasped, "You like someone?"

"Who is it?" Hajime growled.

You sweat dropped, "....Seitarou....that guard who works with you in your buidling..."

Hajime calmed down. He was actually thinking about it.

After a moment, he sighs, "Seitarou is pretty gentle guy. I doubt he'd hurt you."

"You make it sound like she was asking for your blessing." Hitoshi deadpanned.

You then walked up to Hajime looked him dead in the eye, "Do me a favour."

He stared at you taken back, "Sure."

You smiled, "Pretend you're a cute guy."

Hitoshi laughed in the corner of the office as Hajime stared at you with a 'really' look. "What's that supposed to mean?'

You shook your head,"You know what I mean. Now, pretend you're a young guy."

"This is just insulting!" Hajime exclaimed.

"(Y/n)....please keep going." Hitoshi giggled.

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