Hajime x Reader: Stupid pt.1

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Sitting on the bench, you listened to the ocean waves. The view was gorgeous as well. The sun setting was truly beautiful.

It was kinda cold up on top of building 13 but you didn't mind. As long as you got some time to yourself then, it's fine.

"Why are you up here?" A sudden voice asked.

Startled, you yelp, "Ah!"

Jumping up, you turned towards the tall man, "Hajime!"

He only walked forward, not phased at all by your outburst.

"I'll ask again, why are you up here?" He stood at the edge of the roof, leaning over the small wall.

Taking a seat again, you spoke gently, "I wanted to be alone."

Immediately, you panicked. "Idon'tmeanitlikethat!I'msorry!Youcanstayifyouwish!I'msostupid!Sodon'tlistentome!Hajimesenpaisaysomething!" You just rambled on, not even sure if he understood what you were saying.

As you opened your mouth to ramble out another apology, he laughed.

He fucking laughed.

Hajime Sugoroku laughed. A genuine laugh and smile.

Taking in a deep breathe, you stared in awe. Your heart was beating wildly. Your body felt weak, your knees buckled, felt the blood heat up your face.

For the longest time, you have never seen Hajime do such a thing. It was so genuine and true.

After he calmed himself, he moved.

Taking a seat next to you, he sits back, "I think I heard you say it was okay that I could stay if I wish."

Nodding, you looked away, bringing your attention back to the sunset and the sound of the ocean.

It was quiet. Peaceful.

You both enjoyed it. It wasn't everyday when you got to sit in silence with your friend.

No words exchanged. Each other's presence was more than enough for comfort and enjoyment.

Lost in thought, you blushed when recalling Hajime smiling and laughing.

Then realization hit you.

What happened had made you fall in love with him even more.

You wanted to be the reason he laughs. The reason he smiles. You want to be his happiness.

Heart racing, you shakily called for his attention, "Hajime...."

Humming, he looked back at you, "What is it?"

Hesitating, you gulped. You faced him with a blushing face.

You leaned up, taking a grasp at his shoulders.

His eyes widened. He has a bit of an understanding on what you're gonna do.

Eyes closed, you closed the gap gently.

Heart racing, face red, knees buckling, millions of thoughts running through your mind.

So much is happening, all because of a single kiss.

After a couple of seconds, you felt your stomach drop.

Heart heavy, palms sweating, pain in your chest, you pulled away.

'I'm so stupid.' You thought as tears stung your eyes.

A hiccup left your mouth, making you cover your mouth with your trembling hands.


That's what you're doing.

Attempting to stay quiet.

But you couldn't. You just wanted to scream, to cry, to curl up and die.

'I'm so stupid.' You thought.

Running past him, your cries became more clear as it became more difficult to keep silent.

'I'm stupid. I'm stupid. I ruined everything.' You thought.

He didn't kiss back.

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