Honey x Reader: Time pt.3

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So, here's the final.

Btw I just noticed that I give Honey a lot of three shots/two shots and they're kinda sad....my bad

Reaching up, you grasped the delicate handkerchief as it fell from the sky gracefully.

Staring at the blue fabric, you studied the details on it. It was just a sky blue, with darker blue patterns on it. Not that you knew what upper class people do or have but it seemed like someone of a high class would own.

Looking up, you looked around, spotting where it could have fallen from.

Seeing a window open, you gulped, having an idea on who it is.

Running into the large building, you ran up to the dorm rooms.

Grasping the handle, you stopped for a moment.

Taking a deep breathe, you opened it, going in.

You stared with wide eyes at the scene before you.

A girl with dark hair, was pressed up against the wall by a boy with brown hair.

You recognized them.

The girl, Kiera, looked over and smirked, pulling him, Ryland, closer to her.

Dropping the fabric, your eyes darkened.

Kiera had always hated you. No, she hated everyone. Anyone who dared go near the hottest guy in school, she hated.

Lots of girls liked Ryland. He was attractive yes, but you had fallen for him years ago. Probably by the fifth grade. Back when Honey was around to, well, not be around, Ryland was always there for you.

But now...because of Kiera...he acts like you don't even exist.

Without thinking, you charged forward.

They were near the open window. Oh what a mistake it was.

Using your full strength, you pushed them out.

Ryland didn't even matter to you at that point.

You were once close. Then he left for the popular girl, with the big fake boobs.

Watching with dark eyes, you smirked sickly at Kiera.

A loud crack could be heard as she hit the ground.

She had landed in a terrible position, breaking her neck.

Ryland seemed to be fine. Maybe.

Screams of panic rose from the school grounds.

"I don't understand why people complain about middle school being terrible. This has to be the thing that saves it." You smiled down at the two people.


"What are you watching Trois?" Honey asked after walking into his cell.

Trois say on his bed, staring at the television with interest.

Humming, Trois glanced over his shoulder at his cell mate. "Just the news. A young girl killed a student, and injured another."

Raising an eyebrow, the American male strutted over to his companion.

Taking a seat on his own bed, he stared at the television in confusion.

"What the world has become, I will never understand." He mumbles with a click of his tongue.

The news ancker continued to talk about the situation, then it rolled to a scene caught on the security camera around a school grounds.

His breathe became hitched. Eyes wide, Honey stared at the screen.

He moved closer, to see if he really does see what he thinks.

The tape replayed.

It paused at a scene, where the audience can really see who caused the two teens to fall.

Honey's mouth hung open.

He stared a little more longer.

His little sister, was looking over the window, down at the two who fell.

"Police confirmed that this girl, (Y/n) Ackerman, pushed these two out the window. Police took her in to be tested and found out she is suffering a me talk illness. Her trial awaits." With that, he ran towards the tv, pressing a button behind it to turn it off.

Trois gave him a questioning look, "Honey, what's wrong?"

He didn't asnwer though.

'(Y/n)...' He thought.

-----Time Skip-----

"You ready?" Honey poked his head into a cell.

Looking up from your manga, you rolled your eyes.

Placing the book down, you stood up, stretching your tight muscles.

"I'm coming, don't worry." You waved a hand, as if dismissing your attitude.

Honey waited at your cell door.

Once you stood in the hall with him, a guard closed the door, before following close behind you two as you walked.

"Why are you paying so much attention to me? No offence but it's kinda annoying." You mumbled, crossing your arms.

Feeling a hand on top of your head, you looked up at your older brother.

He petted your head, smiling down at you. "I gotta make up for what I didn't do."

Mouth agape, you recollected yourself.

Smiling slightly, you snuggled more into his touch. "That's gonna take some time."

Nodding, he retakes his hand, placing it on is hip. "It will take some time. Honestly, I hope it takes a long while."

"Why's that?" You blinked.

"Because that means more time with you, baby sister."

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now