Inori x Reader: Lazy Mornings

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The alarm went off, startling the male to awake from his slumber.

He lazily went to turn it off. A hand beat him to it.

"Good morning Inori." He hears his wife say sweetly.

He grumbled. All he wanted to was sleep.

"Come on, it's time to wake up now." You say amused.

"Do I have too?" He turns over, facing his back to you.

"Of course. You have work. Plus I got up, you should join me." You try and shake him.

You then yelp, being pulled into a chest.

"Can't we just stay here for awhile?" He holds you closely to him.

"Inori." You blush. You struggled to get out of his arms. It's no use. He's too strong.

Giving up, you let him hold you and snuggle into him more.

His chin rested on your head, making him more comfortable. For some reason.

That's what I do with my sister. She will sit between my legs and I just rest my chin on her head. It's some how comfortable.

"You do know you will eventually have to leave right?" You asked.

"I know but I'd rather stay home with you." He says.

"That would be nice but you really need to go. You might get fired. Or worse. In trouble by your supervisor." You felt him tense up.

"This is not fair." He groans as he sits up.

'Why did you go for this job position anyways? You never do any work there so what's the point?' You thought with a sweat drop.

"You should get ready. Breakfast is down stairs waiting for you so come down as soon as your ready okay?" You hop out of bed, running out of your shared bedroom.

"She didn't even wait for my reply. I guess this means I have no choice." He mumbles to himself.

It was like this every morning. It can be annoying sometimes, but he's always so sweet when he's like this.

So the Nanbaka special. Anyone else wanna kill themselves because it's taking too damn long?!

 Anyone else wanna kill themselves because it's taking too damn long?!

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