Kiji x Reader x Ruka: Another Chance

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"I'll do it right now." Ruka says confidently to himself.

He walked around the corner of his large school.

It was his first year at high school and for the past few months, he is crushing on a senpai.

He looks around the area and areas you. (Y/n) (L/n), a second year at Otonokizaka High. You weren't really friends, but he did admire you from afar. He would say hi to you at times when you would go skipping down the hallways happily. You we're pretty much always like that.

"So...your answer?" It was then when Ruka finally takes notice of the male standing in front of you.

Judging by his uniform, he is a third year.

"Kiji...I would love to go on a date with you." You cheer with glee.

His heart sank. A senpai he only now knows as Kiji beat him to you. He didn't notice that you had seen him and turned towards him.

"Hm? Oh hello. Was their something I could do for you?" You smile at Ruka.

"(Y/n)-senpai....have fun on your date with Kiji-senpai. I overheard so that's why I came over..." He quickly takes off running before he started crying.


Ruka walked around Nanba Prison. He is at the age of 26. It's been about 11 years since that day. The day where his senpai had already agreed to go out with someone. Even if it was just a date, and you weren't an official couple, he couldn't help but feel heartbroken. Even to this day.

He would often ask himself why he couldn't get over it. He thought it was because he was humiliated. He thought it was because he thought of himself as a weak person for not going all the way through with it. Then he realized, when he graduated from high school, that he couldn't get over you. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get over you.

Even if you weren't friends, barley talked, only admiring you from afar, he so captivated by you.

It also didn't really help when he found out Kiji Mitsuba worked as his superior at Nanba. He instantly knew it was the same guy who had asked you out all those years ago. Eventually it led to him working along side Enki, which led to prison. Now, after a few months, he is deputy supervisor. He's glad he got his promotion after working his ass off to even get a job position back at Nanba. On top of that, he had to work extra hard to even get the promotion. In the end, it was worth it. Even if he did have to work with the man he can't help but admire yet despise at the same time.

"Ruka, could you take these to building 7? The supervisor has requested for them. I would make the trip myself but I have my own paperwork to finish." Kiji hands the shorter male a file with multiple papers in it.

"Very well." Ruka nods.

Before he can move, a knock is heard at the door, catching both drag queens attention.

"Kiji! Its (Y/n)!" Ruka eyes the door suspiciously. He thought it could be the (Y/n) he knew all those years ago. He would think it would be impossible but he did somehow ran into Kiji over the years so it is a possibility.

"Darling, what are you doing here? You should be in the infirmary." Kiji opens the door for you to enter.

"I know but I got lonely. Plus, you're the only one I know here so it's comforting when I have someone I know on a personal level to talk to." You walk in and stop when you see the guard.

"Hello. I'm (Y/n) (L/n). A close friend of Kiji's. You are..?" You smile while holding your hand out.

"...Ruka. Ruka Gojou." He says in a state of shock. You shake hands but he wouldn't let go.

"Hey hand please?" You smile nervously.

"Sorry." He quickly lets go a bit embarrassed.

You gave him a questioning look. You kept leaning forward to get a better look at him.

"You look familiar." You say while inspecting him.

"(Y/n)-senpai...I went to Otonokizaka with you and Kiji. I was a first year by the time you were a second year. You we're one of the most popular girls in school. Was even in the idol club." Ruka says, almost desperately trying to make some memory of him back then.

Then again, their really isn't much too work with. Aside from the 'hi's in hallways, it was only the time when he was planning to confess.

"Holy smokes! You're psychic!" You jump back a little freaked out.

"You're not even using that right (Y/n)!" Kiji yells at you.

-----After Explaining-----

"Wait so you two aren't dating?" Ruka asks.

"No. We did for awhile but..." You trail off awkwardly.

"That only lasted for about a month. School and personal life got in the way so we decided to end things off but remain close friends." Kiji finishes for you.

"I see." Ruka nods. 'I still have a chance.' He fought back a smile.

What he didn't know, was that Kiji still holds feelings for you.

I'll be making a part 2 once requests are done!

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