Samon x Reader: Free but Chained

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"What are you doing?" Samon jumped at the sound of your voice.

Turning around, he hid the clipboard behind his back.

"Just signing in for night shift." He says reluctantly.

Pouting, you walk up to him, "I'm taking night shift. You go home and relax."

He steps closer to you threateningly, "I'm the supervisor. I'm taking night shift. Treat your superiors with respect (y/n)."

"I'm not talking to you as my supervisor, I'm talking to you as my fiance. Now take the night off!"

--------Time Skip--------

Samon sat on the couch with an irritated expression.

He watched as the colours danced on the screen. He wasn't really paying attention though.

"Why the hell does she want to take night shift so badly? I could do it while she's at home safe. Someone else could do it so we could be home together." He silently grumbled to himself.

It wasn't that he was trying to control her, he wanted her to be free. That's one of the reasons he fell for her. Her passion to spend life to its fullest, without getting chained down. But, lately he felt threatened. Nanba Prisons population is 99% males. With guards looking like they could be idols (Seitarou) and guards that have the adorable, and cunning personality (Mao), and hopeless romantics (Kenshirou), he felt like he could lose her at any second. He even caught inmates getting far to friendly with her.

Angrily crunching on a potato chip, he grumbles, "No one better get to friendly with her tonight. Or else I'm killing somebody."

-----The Next Day-----

Walking into work, Samon rushed into building 5's office. "(Y/n)-!"

"Yes?" You poked your head out a box of paperwork.

He sighs, "Nothing."

"You worry too much Samon." You laughed.

He made his way over to his desk, looking through a few reports you wrote during the night.

"How was your night shift?" He questions.

Shrugging, you replied, "Everything went smoothly. Had to stop by cell 8 to help Upa get to sleep but either than that, it was all fine."

He nods.

You often called inmate no.85 by his real name; Upa. With other inmates, it was the inmate number. With Upa? He's a kid. Ever since he arrived, you wanted to appear as a motherly figure to him. You believed if he went through years of being behind bars, he wouldn't learn and grow to be a kind young man. So, your goal is to be there for him like a mother would, even holding his hand and teaching him manners.

Samon continued to ask you questions about your night shift. Its not that he didbt trust you, he just didnt trust pekple. It annoyed you, but you knew how he felt threatened. Honestly you feel the same way when he has to hang around the warden half the day. He was like, an assistant to her. He would often stand there, be to her every need. You believed the reason for that was because of the Enki incident. Many trusted Samon, especially You, but many also trusted Enki. It was always at the back of everyone's mind, that Samon would follow his brothers steps. I mean, he sort of has all his life; up until that day.

Moving on, the questions came to a sudden stop when the door opened, revealing Kokoriki; your best friend-which kind of upset Samon since he also felt threatened by him.

"Ah! I just blew up the bathroom." He announces, holding his tummy.

A tick mark popped on your head, "You took a dump!?"

He shouts back, "Yeah so what? It's normal! Everyone poops! There's a book about it!"

"You are such a three year old!"

Nevermind. He didn't need to worry about Kokoriki. You two were more like brother and sister.

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