Mitsuru x Reader: Paper

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"Mitsuru?" You questioned the boy huddled by himself in the corner.

"Hm?" He turned around, revealing his big, curious eyes.

"What are you doing?" You squatted down to his level.

He turned back around, going back to what he was doing. "Drawing." He mumbled.

You were gonna speak again when the teacher called for everyone's attention. "Nap time!"

Glancing back at your fellow four year old classmate, you got up and ran towards your sleeping mat.

Staring at the boy just opposite of you, you stared in wonder, 'I wonder what he was drawing.'


Bringing the wrinkled up paper close to your chest, you sighed in content. The sweet memory from way back then, made your heart melt.

Placing the clip board down, you moved towards the closet. Reaching up, you grabbed the shoe box before stepping back and sitting on the bed.

Placing the box on your lap, you took the lid off.

Your heart swelled with warmth.

Inside the box were a number of crumbled up paper with messy drawings on them.

Picking up the delicate piece of paper at your side, you placed it in the box with the rest.

Putting the lid back on, you put the box back on the high shelf before running out of the bed room.

-----Time Skip-----

"Babe?" You called from the desk.

"Yeah?" Mitsuru poked his head around the door frame.

"I found the box of papers." You smiled.

He blushed, "What papers are you talking about woman?"

"The ones from kindergarten. With all the hearts around a drawing of me." You blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed and flattered.

" you found them." He scratched his cheek awkwardly.

You nodded, "Yeah," Your smile turned into a frown, "but, their was one with writing on it. I couldn't read it. It was the only one that had writing instead of a drawing."

Smiling, he made his way over to you at the desk in the monitoring room.

"I want to marry (Y/n) (L/n)." He spoke.

Raising an eyebrow, you opened ed your mouth to speak but he beat you to it.

"That's what the writing said. I got what I wanted." You blushed, feeling his hot breathe as he leaned in to give you a peck.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now