Seitarou x Reader: Not So Bad

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All perfect words, to describe yourself, at this very moment.

Focusing on your breathing, you clicked your tongue.

You can see the sound you creates, bounce off of you and around the area.

It lit up a few thungs, but just barely.

Again, you clicked your tongue.

The sound waves repeated itself.


The visual recording objects, lighting up a white colour, before toning down into the darkness.

Once again.

Taking a good look around, you mentally nodded.

Once more.

'Perfect.' Opening your eyes, you blinked once.

They went black.


They went white.

Another time.

They went back to normal, but your eyes glowed brightly.

The final.

Your eyes, back to normal. No glows, unusual colours, or patterns.

Floating down to the ground, you gently landed on your feet.

Glancing around, you smirked. "I know now." You chuckled, unknowingly causing a chill to run down a guards spine.

"What was she just doing?" Seitarou asked, staring up at the screen faced at you.

Those visual recording objects-security cameras-zoomed further in on you.

Seitarou watched closely, anticipating what you'll do next. "It's just a theory but, from what I've recorded from the past month, she could be a-"

"Spying on your girlfriend again?" The door to the monitoring room slammed open.

"Ah!" Seitarou yelped. He swirled around to meet Hajime's smirk. "Supervisor!"

Rethinking what Hajime just said, he blushed, "She's not my girlfriend!" Tears made their way down his face, not liking being teased. 'Feels like high school all over again!'

With you, you stepped towards the cell bars that kept you captive in this luxurious prison.

Glancing around, you stared up at the visual recording object.

A camera, up on your left. This camera faced the other direction.

'I have about an hour until it turns back this way.' You nodded.

Glancing to your right, you stared up at the camera.

This camera is further down the hall, but you knew that at the right angle, it could see your every move.

'The time I have left is most likely in just fifteen minutes. When that times up, it will face the other way.' You grinned.

Bring your attention forward, you tilted your head back.

A camera. Right above your cell.

You frowned. 'This one is constantly watching me. My best chance to escape from my cell uncaught, is if no one is on duty in the monitoring room, for just a moment.'

Crossing your arms, you brought your attention to the floor beneath you. "Of course, I'd be lucky if that happened while these cameras aren't on me."

Turning back around, you went and plopped yourself on your comfortable bed.

"Man. Nanba's nice but I'm not even supposed to be here."

Hearing footsteps, you grew quiet.

They neared.

The chances of it being a guard making theirs rounds is most likely. Then again, it could also be that inmate, Juno or whatever his name is, escaping.

You've been here long enough to know that theirs a certain inmate who escapes a lot. You just never bothered to remember anyone's names. Just a few that stuck, but only if they interested you.

"Hey, Christmas tree." You smirked, referring to the guards wild hair.

"It's high school all over again!" Seitarou cried.

"So, any thing new on when I'd be released?" You ignored his cries.

"Uh, no, sorry." He smiled awkwardly.

You clicked your tongue, "Oh come on walking Christmas tree, you know I didn't do it. I shouldn't be in prison."

"I'm sorry but their really isn't anything I could do to speed the process up. I'm sure they'll catch the real crook soon. For now, you gotta stay here." He smiled reassuringly.

You frowned.

You had heard that innocent people in prison spend years in such a place before being released early for a crime they didn't do.

One thing was for sure, you were stuck here for awhile, whether you liked it or not.

"I got you cookies. I made them myself." Seitarou held out a box.

Okay, maybe it wasn't so bad.

'Escaping can wait.' You smiled, fighting back the blush the tried to colour your face pink.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now