Upa x Reader: Undercover Schoolers

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It's history lesson at school and yourself and Upa are practically dying.

You both used your desks as a pillow, bored out of your minds.

"Upa?" You called to him as he is seated beside you.

"Yeah?" He responds.

"Am I dead yet?" You ask boredly.

"I don't think so. Why?"

"I feel like I am." You sigh.

Upa just sighs as well, "You're acting childish, school is an important essential in life. Especially for people our age,"

You look at him blankly. He then continues,

"That is what I would say if I actually liked school."

You snicker.

To be honest, when you got kidnapped to be apart of an organization, you didn't think you would still have to go to school.

That was an upside to it but it quickly shot down.

Hachiman thought it would be a good idea to send you to school, but a completely different one from your old one. The reason for your schooling was because Hachiman wants more information on a certain clan and one of the members is your age and go to that school.

You didn't have to do this mission o your own. Another boy your age is part of the undercover mission as well.

Upa. Another kid kidnapped for the organization.

"Where back." You chirp as you walked through the hallways of the base.

"Thank god." Upa says from beside you.

"How was school children?" Qi snickered with a smirk.

Both 12 year olds throw a glare at the male, "Shut it trash."

"Do you have homework?" Liang walks over.

You glance away with a smug smile, "Maybe."

"Then get to it." He narrows his eyes at you.

"Yes mom." Upa rolls his eyes. 

You throw your bag on a sofa in the extra room; the place the four of you normally chill.

"I don't get it. Why do we have to do homework? It's not like we are actual students there to learn." You plop down on the comfy sofa.

"You have to. You both need to make it believable that you're just regular students. If you blow it, your covers could be blown. Word will get out that the two missing kids are attending a school, going under fake identifications." Liang explains.

"Yeah yeah. Just help us get started." You grab your bag, grabbing a few papers and books out.

"I could use some assistance as well." Upa speaks up, taking out his homework.

-----Time Skip-----

"At least we don't get homework." You close your eyes, hands behind your head as a pillow.

"That, I am glad of." Upa says, wrapping his arms around your form.

"It's been a year since we got captured. I'm surprised the two bratty 12 year olds are now bratty 13 year olds." Qi comments while reading a magazine.

"On top of that they're a couple now." Liang smiles amused.

Upa glares at them for a moment before snuggling into you.

"Make them stop."

You laugh, "Nah. We can kick their asses later."

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now