Honey x Reader: Three Years

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You sat in your room, reading manga.

"(Y/n)!" You heard your fourteen year old sister yell.

Upset that you were interrupted, you shouted, "What do you want Nagisa!?"

"You have a visitor!" She shouts.

Your annoyed expression soon turned into wonder. You got up and went to open your bedroom door, when it flew open-just barley hitting you.

Nagisa looked up at a you, her pink eyes shining happily. She looked about ready to cry tears of joy.

"A boy likes you!" She shouts.

You blink a few times, registering what she had said. "Wha...?"

You calmly walked out and headed downstairs.

You went to the front door and-through the window-saw Honey standing just outside.

You quickly rushed to get out there.

"Honey." You start.

He jumps a bit surprised. He looks at you, shocked before smiling slightly. "(Y/n)....hi."

"Hi." You smile.

You open the door wider, "You can come in."

He smiles awkwardly, "No thanks. I just need to ask you something..."

You furrow your eyebrows, "What is it?"

You weren't used to his behaviour. Normally he was pretty smooth-and when he isn't he's irritated. But, that wasn't the problem right now.

It takes a moment but he finally says what he has to say, "I'm breaking up with you."


It's been about three years since then.

Three years you have locked yourself in your room. Long time huh?

Honestly, you don't know why it's taking you so long to get over him. It was expected from him. He's the schools players. Well he was. After graduating he probably became the cities player.

You heard knocking on your bedroom door. You still lived in your parents house. It's not like you had a choice to move. A few weeks after the break up, your parents died in a plane crash while coming home from a business trip-which added more to the depression.

"(Y/n)?" Nagisa-now seventeen years old-knocked.

You lazily sat up from your bed. "What do you want Nagisa?!"

She opened the bedroom door, closing it on her way in. "Even when we're old you're still gonna yell at me like when I call for you." She smiles amused.

You don't reply and just sit on your bed, hugging your ready bear.

She sits on your bed, leans on your shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?"

It takes a moment but you eventually replied, "Because I knew what you would do and say."

"Like what?"

"You would question me about him, some questions about good things some about bad things. But I know the very first thing you would question is if he was a player."

She sighs, "You're right about that. It seems the world is full of players now a days."

You rest your head against hers, "I should move on shouldn't I? He is I. Prison now after all."

She nods, "What do you think he was arrested for?"

"I knew he had a habit of gambling. It could have been illegal gambling. Or it could have been sexual harassment. He got in trouble a lot at school for it." You shrug.

"You should go visit him. I was doing a bit of research since his arrest and found out what prisons he has been sent too. The most recent one is Nanba Prison." She explains.

You look at her like she's insane, "Are you fucking kidding me? Wouldn't that be creepy? His ex girlfriend from three years just showing up to visit him?"

She looks at the ceiling in deep thought, "I have an idea. It's crazy. Also I'm not even sure if it will work but it wouldn't be us if we didn't try it out."

----Time Skip----

Five months later and a lot has changed.

One, being you sold the house and got an apartment in Japan.

Two, Nagisa got arrested.

Three, you went back to high school and this time, graduated-instead of dropping out like what you did three years ago.

Now, you sat in the visiting room of Nanba Prisons building 3.

A few minutes had passed and your sister walked into the room.

"I did not expect this to work at all." She say down across from you.

"So you got yourself arrested and sent to different prisons for a plan you didn't believe in?" You question.

"Yeah....I'm starting to wonder if mom and dad are proud of us." She says.

You shake your head, "Probably not." She nods her head in agreement.

You chat for a moment when the plan finally takes action.

An inmate walks into the room, and you immediately tense up.

"Honey..." You trail off.

He stares at you wide eyes, "(Y/n)..."

Nagisa slipped out of the room awkwardly. Just outside the door, she gave you a thumps up and a guard escorted her to what you can only assume is her cell.

"Hi..." You wave awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" He sits down.

"I'm visiting Nagisa. My sister." You admit.

He nods.

It's awkward for a moment before you break it.

"I want to know."

"Know what?" He asks.

"I want to know why you broke up with me three years ago. It was so sudden yet expected." You reply.

He looks at you in your eyes. You stare at each other for a solid two minutes before he replies.

"Because I thought I didn't love you. Ever since then, I knew I was completely wrong. I have always loved you."

I tried to make this a depressed reader but I can't. I have no experiences of depression. Well, I did but that was over a year ago and it was only minor. I think. I remember my council saying there are different stages/levels of depression and I was at 3.

So yeah. Sorry this is so bad.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now