Liang x Reader x Samon: Claimed Prize

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Sitting in the guard room, you skimmed the pages apon pages of files on the new inmates transferring to building 5, in just a few days.

"Hey!" Mitsuru suddenly shows up.

"Ah!" You yelp, accidentally throwing the papers up. They scattered on the table, some even on the floor.

Your eye twitched, "Mitsuru." You whipped towards the loudest man in Nanba-that surprising ISN'T Yamato Godai.

The man chuckles, "Oops. My bad girl. Just wanted to check up on ah-" He was quickly cut off by a flying kick.

"Don't taint her with your idiotcy Mitsuru!" Samon shouts, his leg still extended from the kick.

You stared at your supervisor unamused, "Samon," You started.

He turns around immediately with eager eyes, "Yes?"

You swear sparkles were just shining around him.

Shaking your head, you gathered the papers before roughly slamming them into his chest, startling him, "Figure skating. Viktor killed a few guys because they got close to his lover. Yandere on our hands. You're handling it." You strutted off towards the door.

Samon quickly recovers from his shock and follows after you, holding the papers closely and gripping them. "H-hey. If you're not busy at lunch-"

The door slammed before he could finish.

----Time Skip----

Making your rounds, you checked every cell for roll call.

Before you knew it, you made it to your favorite cell, cell 8.

You parted your lips to call out the youngests no, but jumped back when someone came to the cell door.

"Good morning (Y/n)." Liang smiled.

You blinked, "Good morning."

"Did I startle you? I'm sorry." He looked slightly worried.

"A bit but it's fine." You shook your head, dismissing the issue.

Taking a peak over his shoulder, you saw his cell mates before nodding to yourself.

'They're all accounted for. Cause I could just move on to the next.' You walked alone, agreeing g to your thoughts.

Liang watched you walk away, "Uh-okay! I'll see you at lunch! Maybe we could eat lunch together!"

As soon as his little invitation left his mouth, a slam could be heard cystal clear, making him jump back.

"Hold up, she's mine no.2." Samon glares, an annoyed look on his face. Well, he always looks annoyed but you get what I mean.

Liang stared at him taken back but then quickly got annoyed. "No she isn't."

"Yes she is!"

"Then why does she ignore you?!"

"She ignores you too!"

You stopped and glared over your shoulder. "I don't remember agreeing to be either of yours."

You grumbled under your breath, getting annoyed with their bickering.

So who would you chose? Monkey or Monkey jr?

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now