Samon x Reader: Because of a meeting

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"Excuse me Warden, I have brought the requested files." You knocked on her office door.

"Very well. You may enter." You do as told.

Walking until you stood a good three meters from her desk, you stand tall and proudly.

"I hope your trip here wasn't too much trouble miss (L/n). I can't imagine how long your trip was from Yokohama to here." Warden Hyakushiki says. Almost as if she was apologizing for having you take the long trip.

"Please Warden, I don't need your sympathy. My job is to do as what I am ordered to from my superiors. If anything, I should be thanking you for sending me a transportation route." You say sternly. 

"I'm impressed. I have never met a soldier so dedicated to their job. You must be a model soldier around your comrades." She compliments you.

Taken back, you quickly recover and reply, "Thank you ma'am. Now if you don't mind me asking, may we get started? I have orders to report back to headquarters shortly after my arrival."

"Very well."

Your meeting then began, and you felt someone's eyes burn big into your skull.

You didn't even need to look to confirm it.


After the meeting that lasted about 20 minutes, you had bowed and left her office.

As you we're heading towards the roof to hop in the chopper and head back home, a voice called out to you.


Stopping, you looked over your shoulder to see the male who was standing near the Wardens desk during your meeting.

"Is their something I can assist you with?" You turned fully around.

"I wanted to know....if you wanted to go out sometime." He looks down in an attempt to hide his blush.

You blinked taken back. Quickly recollecting yourself, you stood still and asked the question that came into mind at his request, "May I ask why?"

He looks at you a bit confused before stuttering a bit, "Well I find you kinda you seemed so serious and concentrated during that meeting so....I don't know. I guess it's because...I want to get to know you a bit. To make you smile. I want to see you smile and I want to be the reason for it." He says confidently.

In his head though, 'Damn. I'm blowing it. That made so much more sense in my head.' He mentally scolded himself.

"I see. So you're curious to see if I can show other emotions. Interesting." You wonder out loud.

Samon looks around nervously, "So, your answer..?" He didn't want to rush you but he knew you were to head home soon and he had a pretty strong feeling he wouldn't see you again.

"I suppose it's alright. I look forward to our date." You bow down respectfully.

"Hey, their really is no need for that. You don't have to be so serious around me. Just, relax for a bit okay?" He smiles amused.

Standing back up, you still kept a poker face. Even so, you still couldn't help but wonder why he seems to care so much.

"Understood. Now, your phone." You hold out your hand.

"Huh?" He looks at you dumbfounded.

"If we are going on that date, we should have some sort of communication or should we not?" Samon blushes from embarrassment.

"Hey now...I-I'm supposed to ask for your number." He runs the back of his head awkwardly.

"You really are something aren't you." You wondered out loud.

On the outside you seemed so....uptight. On the inside however, you felt so warm.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now