Mao x Reader: Miraculous Moment

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"Nya...." Mao grumbled.

"I told you to bring your umbrella." You said from beside him.

"I didn't think it was actually going to rain nya!" He shouts over the heavy rain.

You sigh.

At this rate, you will never make it to Nanba on time.

-----Time Skip-----

"Thank goodness we made it." You panted.

"At least you made it here dry." Mao throws a small glare at you, still upset that you didn't share your umbrella with him.

"Wait....why are we in headquarters?" You asked, ignoring his attitude.

"Headquarters? I thought we made it in building 2?" Mao asked.

He really started looking around and saw multiple signs that practically screamed this was Nanba HQ. The receptionist desk, the many guards from different buildings, the guards that worked under Mitsuru in the main building etc,.

"Oh come on. We have to go back out there to the train station?" Mao groans.

"We better get going then. Supervisor might get mad with us if we are late. Again." You sulk.

This was the second time this week you could be late to work. The first time was on Monday. Yourself and Mao couldn't leave your apartments because some idiot guard (Mitsuru) decided to mess with you guys by locking your doors. He had somehow managed to lock the doors from the outside. Sneaky devil. Then again you and Mao did kinda deserve it. Let's just say...never take Mitsuru's cupcakes.

"The train!" Mao shouts.

You looked at the train you were supposed to be taking and it looked to be at the train station, which wasn't so far away. It didn't look to be leaving so soon. You guessed you had time.

"Relax. We have time to get there. It could have just arrived." You try and calm your boyfriend.

Welp, life hates you right now.

The train began to move forward. It was leaving. Honestly you felt kinda stupid. It's morning, of course the trains would need to rush. The guards have to get to work.

"Wait!" Mao goes running after the train.

"We want on!" You joined him.

-----Time Skip-----

"Thank goodness it stopped." You sigh in relief.

"At least at this rate we will only be about five minutes late." Mao pants.

You both leaned on each other's side as you sat together near the back.

"Five minutes is better than ten minutes." You nod.

Okay, so building 2 isn't THAT far away from HQ, but c'mon! It's the morning, everyone's tired, and it's raining.

"True. I like this though." Mao leans on you.

It felt different though. Not a 'support' me kind of lean, but 'cuddle' kind of lean. Somehow, it was comforting.

"What do you mean?" You asked as you shook off the rain droplets on your umbrella.

"I mean we had a terrible morning. First we both slept in, then we couldn't even find our uniforms, it started eating when it looked to be a beautiful day today, we practically man hunted down our train, now we are soaking wet. It's terrible." He says.

"Then does 'I like this' mean then?" You asked, referring to what he said earlier.

"I like how I get to relax with you for a bit. Even after a terrible start of day. Nya." He hugs you. You smile and snuggle into him more.

Okay, it wasn't so bad. Something great after something terrible, always feels like a miracle.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now