Inmates x Reader: Easter Special|Mothers Day

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Just like the guards, the inmates are entertaining. A few years back when (Y/n) was 8, the guards took care of her rabbits. Now at 11 years old, (Y/n) had the inmates take care of her chicks. 🐥


"Get it off." Jyugo grunted. A chick is standing on his head. He was careful to not let the chick fall to its doom, he also had to be careful when holding onto a couple of other chicks.

"I'm kinda busy with these three Jyugo." Uno remarks, holding onto three chicks.

"When does (Y/n) get back anyways?" Jyugo asks.

"Probably not for awhile." Uno comments amused. Jyugo was getting taken down by a gang of chicks.


"Aw! They're so cute!" Nico swooned.

"Chicken." Rock said hungrily.

"Do you think I'll be able to touch one?" Nico asked.

"See and find out." Rock shrugged.

Nico smiled, and went to gently pet one of the dozen chicks.

It's fur fluffed up at the contact.

"Aw! It's a little fluff ball." Rock cooed.


"I gotta admit, they are kinda cute." Tsukumo said.

He laughed as the chicks piled up in him.

"I don't think I've ever had this much fun before." He smiled.

The chicks all chirped, as if agreeing with him.

"Now come here boys and girls. Give uncle Tsukumo a hug." He gently hugged all the chicks, being careful to not squish or forget one of them.


"These little guys are so warm. Reminds me of my mothers hugs." Musashi spoke.

Though he couldn't see how many chicks their were, he guessed their was at least 12.

"Ow! Okay I'm sorry! I didn't mean to assume your gender miss." Musashi says after getting bit by a chick.

"Come to think of it, you kinda remind me of (Y/n)." He chuckles.


"Ew! Go away!" Upa jumped behind Qi.

"They're just chicks." Qi says.

"They really are no harm." Liang says smiling. He liked these little chicks. They seemed to like him too.

"I don't care. These little things are disgusting." He scoffs.

He then felt something soft on his shoulder.

"Ah!" He yelled. At the force the chick fell. Upa was quick to catch it though. " they're not....that bad." Upa looks at the chick in awe, a blush tinting his cheeks.

"You confuse me sometimes." Qi sighs. He then smiled. He liked these little animals.


"It's in my shirt. I would prefer it if a human chick was in my shirt but not this kind of chick." Honey says, carefully grabbing the chick that was in his shirt. He was careful to not move to much so the chick won't fall.

"Just shut up and be happy." Trois grumbled.

"What did you say!?" Arrows popped up from his hair.

"Awe look Honey! This one likes me." Trois smiles as he held a chick tenderly.

"Impressive." Honey rolls his eyes. He then felt one peck at his hand.

"What is it little (Y/n)?" Honey picks up the chick.

"Little (Y/n)?" Trois quotes.

"Why not? It's the only female out of them all. Plus it's cute like her." Honey smiles.


"Hey guys!" 11 year old (Y/n) cheerfully runs up to the inmates brought outside.

"You're back." Uno smiles.

"Does that mean we have to give them back?" Rock whimpered as he held onto one of the chicks.

"Yes. My babies need to come home." You smile.

"Damnit." Upa grumbled.

"Come on guys. Your rabbit brothers and sisters are in the helicopter." All the chicks chirp.

The inmates holding the chicks reluctantly put a chick down to the surface floor. The chicks all waddled over to you happily.

"Thanks guys." You then run up to Upa.

"Thanks for looking after our babies Upa." Yeah, you are very open with your feelings for him.

"N-no problem." He blushes. Okay, so he had a bit of a crush on you as well. He just wants open about it.

"This is the best Mother's Day ever!" You cheerfully run up to your 'babies'.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now