Yamato x Reader: Wonderful Smile

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"As we watch the rattle snake sneak up on its pray, the-" "Hurricane Bianca hit-" "The winner, of the Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve and Talent goes to-" "Alright, who doesn't wanna go to college?"

You stared boredly at the tv, flicking through the channels.

Nothing good was on. Well, there was but you just weren't in the mood.

"Nothing interesting ever happens here. It's nice and relaxing but nothing adventurous. I'd kill for a little adventure." You rolled around in your cell.

Your little hissy fit came to a stop when hearing footsteps down the cell block.

Rolling over onto your tummy, you waited until those footsteps passed by. Maybe you could have someone to keep you company.

"Hahahahahaha! What a wonderful time for training. I'll head out there again after some afternoon tea. Hahahahahahaha!" Yamato laughed loudly.

You smiled. Somehow, Yamato knew how to put a smile on your face. Normally you found loud people annoying-pretty much everyone at Nanba-but Yamato-literally the loudest-just calms you.

Sometimes you wondered how he did it. At one point you came to the conclusion that he used some potion or magic dust to make you like him. It was a weird thought but hey....it's Nanba and just about anything can happen here.

"Yamato!" You called out to the guard.

He hummed and quickly walked over to your cell.

"Ah! Good afternoon no.8. How was your morning?" He asks with his usual dumb, clever, confident smile.

Sitting up crossed leg, you stared up at him, "It was alright. Could have been better though." You shrugged.

He nods, "I see. Well, would you care to come with me to the mess hall? You look like you could use something to drink. I was gonna get myself something before I head out to training."

"So I've heard." You smiled amused. "Well then, let's go."

He nods, grabbing his keys and unlocking your cell.

You both walked down the cell block, chatting merely. On the way you passed cell 13,

"I'm starting to think she's his favourite."

"Jyugo, (Y/n) would be my favourite too."

"Why does she get to go back to the mess hall? I'm still hungry."

"Maybe she's going to the library to get manga."

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now