Samon x Reader: Inspiration pt.1

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This one is gonna be kinda different but I couldn't resist at all

Sitting in front of a drawer, you grabbed a few of your clothes, placing them neatly in the suitcase beside you.

Hearing footsteps walk towards the bedroom, you looked towards the door.

"You know we don't have to go." Samon said, taking his jacket off, placing it on the bed.

Smiling, you turn back to packing. "I know we dont, but I want to."

He only stared at the back of your head.

He couldn't wrap his head around how you would miss such an important event, just to visit his mom.

Sighing, he gives in and goes to grab his own suitcase. "If you're sure."

-----Time Skip-----

Smiling happily, you stared in awe at the helicopter that would be taking you to Samon's home town in China.

"Let's go." You spoke in english, your Japanese accent clear to hear.

Being pulled back, you looked over your shoulder at your husband. "Huh? What is it?"

Pulling you closer, he gave you a serious look, "Are you one hundred percent sure you want to go? By the time we get back, you won't have time to practice. You'll be excluded from the competition."

He continued to ramble on.

You found it sweet. He was really worried if you actually wanted to do this. One of the most important and special days in your life is in less than two weeks.

Leaning up, you pecked locked lips with him.

He hummed into the kiss, before wrapping his arms around your waist.

Pulling away from the sweet kiss, you smiled, "I promise it's all good. At least the others will have everything under control."

Grabbing his hand, you pulled him over to the helicopter.

"Now let's go. Your mom is probably waiting for us to arrive."

Smiling, he catches up with you, "Yeah. She really misses you."

"What about you?" You questioned.

"I'm sure but she's always wanted a daughter. You as her daughter in law is as close as she's gonna get." He smiles.

A guard got your guy's luggage onto the helicopter, while Samon helped you into the flying machine.

-----Time Skip-----

Knocking on the door, Samon pulled back.

The door opened and a short elderly lady opened the door.

She smiled sweetly, pulling him into a hug.

"Oh welcome home." She smiles.

"I missed you mom." He mumbled into her back.

Pulling away, she smiled joyfully when seeing you, "It's so good to see you again. You look as beautiful as always." She pulls you into a hug.

"Thank you. You look beautiful as well." You smiled, hugging your mother in law.

Pulling away, she ushered you into her home. "Come in, come in."

"But our luggage-" Samon reached out to the bags that sat outside the front door. His mom closed it shut before he could even reach them however.

"You can get those later. I wanna talk with you first." She smiled.

Giggling at her excitement, you followed along with her to a large room.

Sitting down on a cushion next to Samon, you smiled at her joyfulness.

She sat herself down on the other side of you two.

"So, did you try anything yet?"

It took a minute to understand what she meant, but you got it.

Blushing, Samon yelped with a voice crack, "Mom!"

"We're...we're not ready for children just yet." You stuttered with a blush.

Chuckling, the elderly woman smiled, "I'm just teasing. But, I would like to see my grandchildren before I go."

Smiling, Samon spoke, "You'll see them one day. Just...not yet."

-----Time Skip-----

Standing outside of the house, you stood on the balcony, waiting for your friend to pick up the phone.

Finally answering, you replied, "I just got Ruka's message. What are you gonna do?"

Hearing a groan with a nya, the voice replied, "We might just pull out of the competition completely. First of all, not all of us can even be here for it, and we're stressed enough about one song. I think....we're gonna just perform at the party. The competition can wait another year." Mao replied sadly.

Not even sensing the presence, you continued to talk with your friend, completely missing your husband standing around the corner, listening in.

"Well....what if I do the second song? You guys did amazing with the first one. I'll do the second one on my own while I'm here." You smiled, already getting ideas.

"It's a lot of work nya. Theirs the dance, the composing, the lyric writing, the costume designing. How are you gonna do all that in just a week on your vacation?" Mao questioned.

"I'll figure something out." You smiled confidently.

Hearing a sigh, you gigled. "Fine. But it's only a back up. Really depends if you can get all that done in a week, and teach us that routine in the other week. I gotta go. I think Ruka is about to set something on fire. He's cooking." With that Mao hung up.

Putting your phone away, you sighed, "I wonder if this really was the right choice." You looked up into the night sky.

So this is all probably gonna be put in three parts-most likely four.

It's probably gonna be it's own book. Just a small one though, with like four chapters.

Not sure but this is 1/3 or 1/4.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now