Liang x Reader: Boobies and Vava

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You walked down the cell block slowly.

A guard taking you to your cell, you watched as he ignored the inmates who tried to chat with him.

"Who's the new guy?" An inmate asked.

"Wonder how he got in." Another chimed.

"Whoever he is, he better not be our cellmate." The third complained.

You gritted your teeth, letting out a low growl. Knuckles turned white, you you forced yourself to not speak up.

"It's best to keep her identity a secret. If the inmates find out, unexpected events can accure." The warden spoke.

You wanted to be pissed about that but it was for a different reason. You understood where she was getting at. You heard rumours that the female population on Nanba island, is very low in numbers. Leading you, to be known as a female to the inmates. So it makes sense that a female inmate could be dangerous for her. That wasn't what made you pissed though. Your pissed because she's right.

You finally reached your cell, cell 9. The guard locked you in and walked off. You sat down in the empty-yet very pleasant-cell.

"Welp. Guess this is the day I am now 0588." You sit back and relax

-----Time Skip-----

Three months had passed and you became friends with a few inmates. One of them being Liang of cell 8.

"Why would you do that?" Liang asks.

You had just finished telling him the story of how you got yourself arrested and played prison hopper around the world.

"I was stuck in class 3-D. That's like, the lowest class in the organization yo." You sip on your juice cup.

Liang just sighed and sat next to you in your cell. It was lunch hour and after eating, you went back to your cell-Liang tagging along.

After a moment of silence-that's a lie, you're sucking on a juice box-you let out a satisfied sigh when finished.

Throwing it into the trash bin at the corner of your cell, you glanced over at Liang-who looked deep in thought.

"Yo, would you tell anyone a secret?" You asked.

"What?" He blinks, getting out of his trance.

"I asked if you would spill a secret. You gonna answer or nah?" You wave an accusing finger at him.

He blinks, "I won't tell a soul."

"Not even that child and old man in your cell?" You asked.

"No....I won't tell Upa and Qi..." Liang sweat drops.

You drop your hand, instead, crawling over to him.

"I got a secret." You whipser.

Liang leans back, feeling awkward about the close proximity.

"Which is?" He asks.

"I'm a girl." You smile.

He deadpans, "You're messing with me."

You pout. After a moment, you smile innocently, "Then how about I prove it."

Before he can reply, you grab his hand and place it on your boob.

"It's a boob if you're inexperienced with the women body." You make him squeeze it.

He blushes, taking his hand away, "Okay I believe you!"

"Are you sure? Wanna feel the 'down under' to be certain?"


Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now