Jyugo x Reader: Abandon Level

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"If he's around the area, don't you think they should be searching the place?" Uno argues.

"It wouldn't be the best option. What if he has surveillance cameras around the building? It would be pointless if they went to try and arrest him." You explain.

"Well..." Uno grits his teeth, having no way to counter back.

"She has you there Uno." Nico laughs.

"You know, you'd make a pretty good detective." Rock comments, patting your head.

"Really?" You smile hopefully.


Jyugo sits in the back, watching his friends mess around. He felt kind of lonely. He would love to join them, but he figured it would be rude to intervene.

"Hey Jyugo." You call.

He perks his head up with a grunt.

"Wanna escape? I heard some new traps got installed. Couldn't hurt to test them." You smirk.

Jyugo stared up at you for a moment before smirking himself.


-----Time Skip-----

"Well that was fast." Uno sweat drops.

"We barley made it to block 5." Nico smiled nervously.

"We didn't even get to test out any of the new traps." Rock sighs.

"Hold on, where are numbers 15 and 8?" Yamato questions, looking around the area.

"Crap. Can't believe I forgot about those two." Hajime hands Nico over to Seitarou-who falls when the sudden weight is put in him.


"Where are we?" You question.

"I don't know. Never been here before." Jyugo replies, looking around.

While escaping, the two of you got separated from the other three. Doing so, you found yourselves sliding down a long tube, landing onto a random floor.

Jyugo's eyes widen, "Do you think....we're in building 13's underground level?"

You barrow your eyes as you look around the dark hall.

"It's a possibility. We did just slide down from what I can only assume is a slide. It was quite a trip but we find ourselves here. And also," You glide your finger on the brick wall, "it's pretty dirty down here. If my theory is correct, we are indeed on the abandoned level of building 13."

Jyugo immediately turns to you.

"Wait, does that mean the guards won't find us here? You just said it's abandoned."

"Yes. Although I don't know if they will check, I doubt they would even suspect we're here. After all, the security camera seems to not be working." You point up to a camera.

It's dusty. One can only assume it hasn't been on for years. Judging from the looks of it, it's pretty old too, compared to the newer ones.

"We're stuck here unless a guard finds us, or we found our own way out."

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