Ruka x Reader x Kiji: Lies and a queen prize

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"Ugh!" You groaned out loud.

Kiji looked up from his paperwork, taking a curious glimpse at you.

"What's wrong?" He tilts his head.

You glance at him and back at your laptop in your lap.

"This youtuber just uploaded a video and already I'm seeing like, five comments saying "First!" Ugh! So annoying!" You lean back, head thrown back.

Kiji chuckles amused, "You wanted to be first, didn't you sweetie?"

A moment of silent passed before a slam could be hurt.

"I hate the Internet and it's people sometimes." You placed the closed laptop aside.

He smiles amused at your childish behaviour.

You shift, getting comfortable to lay down.

"Where's Ruka?" You question.

Kiji freezes and quickly comes up with something, "He's still visiting family."

Glancing over at him, you narrow your eyes, "Still? I mean, I get where all away from family due to work but seriously? It's been months!" You throw your arms in the way.

Kiji smiles, satisfied with your reaction, "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about sweetie. You know how reuniting with family can be like."

You relax once again and smile, "Yeah yeah."

Working at Nanba, is an honour but it's also a sacrifice. Many of it's employees come from different areas of the world and to visit family, is kinda rare. You're lucky if you get to see at least one family member, if they live with you on the island at least.

-----Time Skip-----

You sat in Kiji's desk, chatting with Ruka.

"So, what was an underground cell like?" You asked.

Ruka pouts, "It was horrible. Two years without properly applying any makeup. I must of looked like an old hag."

You laugh at your drag queen friend. Speaking of drag queen friend,

"I can't belive this." Kiji comes marching in, carrying a large stack of paperwork.

"Uh oh, someone's bitchy today." You tease.

Kiji slams the papers on his desk, startling you.

"I don't want to deal with you right now."

You narrow your eyes at him, "I don't wanna deal with you either. You lied to me for two years."

Two years ago, an incident happens with building 5's old supervisor. Two guards stayed by his side. Ruka being one of them. Two years ago, you believed Ruka was actually visiting family. Two years ago, you believed everything the guards and inmates have said. Two years ago, you trusted everyone. Two years ago, you trusted Kiji.

After everything went down in the underground level, you finally found out Ruka showed up with Kiji.

"I told you I'm sorry. What more do you want?" Kiji stares at you concerned.

You looked down, thinking about his possible 'request'.

" could help me with my makeup. I'm still having trouble doing a transformation." You ask.

Kiji laughs proud, "As you wish."

Ruka tilts his head. "What did I miss after all this time?"

You and Kiji look at each other become smiling at Ruka.

"I came out as a drag queen. No one said you need to be a guy to be one." You smiled proudly.

Ruka stares at you for a moment. It honestly scared you for a second. It was hard enough coming out to Kiji, and you just openly admitted it to Ruka.

"That's wonderful! Can I make you an outfit? I finally have someone to be a queen with." He holds your hands, staring into your eyes full of hope.

You smile nervously, "Uh...sure. That sounds fun." You giggled at his excited face.

-----Time Skip-----

"I don't wanna look ugly!" You cried as you messed up your eyebrows.

"Girl, too late." Kiji replies.

"Fuck off." You laugh, pushing him playfully.

Ruka and Kiji chuckle.

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now