Qi x Reader: Beats

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-Reader POV-

Have you ever wondered who likes you?

Like-likes you?

I have. A lot actually.

Sometimes I feel invisible. Like I don't exist. But when my mind drifts off to the possibility of someone noticing me, it gives me the feeling of hope. Hope that I am acknowledged. Kinda corny huh? 

Well...it's true. I can't help but think, 'Does he think of me? Does he daydream about the future we could have? What does he like about me? Am I pretty in his eyes? Who is he? How would we meet? Do I know him? Is it even a him?' 

So many questions, so little answer's. 

You know...a question I always ask myself is if Qi likes me. Like-likes me. I feel like I should tell him but I always chicken out last minute. 

"I love youuu-nibrows. I love unibrows."

*Sigh* That's what I said the last time I tried to confess. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo now. Does he even like weirdo's? He's usually a chill guy so I don't really think so...His type is probably a cool woman. I can be cool! I once jumped into a lake naked. That's cool right!? 

"Hey. You're spacing out again." A snap of fingers brought me out of my trance. 

"Huh?" I blinked, looking over at my cell mate. 

Upa. He's such a brat.

"I'm talking to you. Don't space out. It's disrespectful." His coal eyes burning into my own. 

I honestly couldn't tell if he was mad most of the time. He has the same expression like all the time. Annoyed, stubborn and ungrateful. Those are the looks I see from him. I think he's more...caring around that Nico kid but eh. I don't baby sit him to know so much about him and his boyfriend (My way to tease Upa. Calling Nico his boyfriend.)

"Upa, please don't give ms.(Y/N) a hard time again." The voice brought my attention to the cell door. 

"I'm sorry ms.(Y/N). I thought I raised him better." Liang nodded his head in my direction.

"Hm." I nodded in understanding. 

Ah Liang. He's a good kid. Not a brat like the other one. Though that doesn't mean he isn't annoying as well. 

"Oi Liang. You said you'd wait up." A deep voice.

Chill's went down my spine. 

Bringing my attention to the cell door once again, I waited in anticipation for him to arrive.

A moment passed. A moments too long. I have to see him now. I need to see him. 

My wish is fulfilled. 

"You jackass! I was just trying to help! You didn't need to leave me behind!" He raised his voice, as if yelling at Liang. 

I felt a twinge in my heart.

Liang and Upa. They're always disrespecting Qi. Always making fun of him and beating him up. It's not fair. He didn't do anything wrong. He's innocent too. As weird as that sounds from me, a criminal defending another criminal for their innocence. 

"Trash." Upa muttered under his breathe.

A tick mark.

"Indeed trash." Liang nodded.

Another tick mark.

I swear I'm getting pissed off by the second. 

Qi huffed and turned around. Probably heading outside to sleep on the benches. 

When I was sure he wasn't near, I turned to face my brat cell mates.

"Ms.(Y/n)?" Liang cocked his head to the side.

"Qi's trash!" I shouted. If I was paying attention...I would have heard the fast footsteps running down the hall.

Liang blinked in confusion. I saw Upa nod his head. 

"Ah. I see you're a man of culture as well." 

"Shut up!" I shouted. "Qi's trash! That's all you two say about him! He isn't! And I won't let you say that about him anymore!" By now I'm in tears. 

I can't stand it. All they do is pick on him. They pick on him like theirs no tomorrow. I hate it. 

I turned on my heel and left the cell. I'm probably gonna get my ass kicked for leaving my cell without permission but I don't care. 

I just wondered down the cell block until I found my way outside. 

I took a deep breathe in and calmed myself. 

Taking a look around, I saw Qi sitting on a bench in the shade. His face is buried in his hands, hunched over and shaking slightly.

I frowned and made my way over to him.

"Hi." I whispered shyly.

He didn't answer. 

I stood their awkwardly for a good minute. To be entirely honest, it felt like forever. I made the decisions to sit next to him. So I did.

I waited for a minute to speak.

"Are you doing okay?" I asked softly. 

No answer. 

I internally screamed. I was panicking. What the hell do I do? Is he sad? He looks sad. I don't know how to deal with a sad person.

Sitting their awkwardly and just waiting til they figure it out themselves is usually my go to move but...this is Qi.

"Do you really think I'm trash?" He finally spoke.

My eyes widened.

"No. I love you actually."  

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