Jyugo x Reader: Abandon Level pt.3

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So I was originally not gonna make this a 3 shot. I know I asked if anyone wanted a part 3 and some of you said yes, but I just felt like "You know what, I don't how to end this, I'll just end it here."

But fuck it! I know what I'm doing now! And my writers block is cured! For now....but yup I'm back baby!!


"C'mon." Jyugo shook your shoulder.

"Wake up!" He shouted.

You didn't show any sign of consciousness. His multicoloured eyes shut tightly in fear. 

"Don't leave me!"


"Don't leave me!"

Nico looked away from his game and looked at the door.

"What's up?" Uno asked from the couch.

Nico continued to stare at the door, "I thought I just heard Jyugo."

Uno and Rocks eyes widened.

"You did!?" The jumped up.

Hajime slammed the door open looking pissed off. "Why are you out of your cell!? Did you just eat my lunch!?" His shouting at the three of them, cut short when he shouted at Rock; the evidence of his rice ball on the inmates jumpsuit.

"Hajime, Nico says he just heard Jyugo's voice." Rock waved the current issue away.

Hajime straightened up. His harsh gaze burning holes into Nico's skull. "You better not be hallucinating."

"I swear I'm not! I know I heard him!" Nico defended himself.

"Supervisor!" The door swung open to reveal a panicked Seitarou Tanabata.

"No.15 and No.8! We've managed to track down their location." Seitarou exclaimed.

"Well hurry up! If we're lucky, no.8 could still be alive." Hajime ordered.

"Sir!" Seitarou saluted, running off to the monitoring room with Hajime on his tracks.

"Hajime!" Uno called.

Said guard stopped.

The inmate continued, "Take (Y/n) straight to the medical room when you find them."

Hajime stood for a moment before running off.

Rock placed a hand on his friends shoulder, "What makes you so sure she's still alive?"

"A hunch." Uno replies.

Nico smiles. "You're hunches have never let us down before."

----Time Skip----

Jyugo poked his head into the medical room.

"Hello?" He called.

The rolling of a chair could be heard. Dr.Otogi came rolling out from a curtain.

"Weren't you just here this morning?" The old man asked annoyed.

The teen stepped into full vision. "Yeah." He nods.

They had a staring contest for awhile before Dr.Otogi sighed. "Fine. But then you can't come back for another twelve hours. I still have to do some blood tests and an x-ray on her." He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Appreciate it." Jyugo commented, watching out of the corner of his eye as the old man got up to give Jyugo some private time with you.

Once he was sure they were alone, Jyugo made his way towards your bed.

He stared at your pale body for awhile.

He felt his heart break. No. Shatter.

The girl who is always so strong, fierce, and intelligent, is laying on a hospital bed, pale, weak, frail, delicate. He was almost afraid to touch her. She looked like she would break in half from just a simple hug. She looked like a single contact could harm her. He didn't want to hurt her. He never could.

"I'm sorry." Jyugo hung his head down in shame.

Why did he let himself get lost? Why did he have to fall down a trap? Why did he have to bring her down with him?

Because he loves her?

"I've lost the rights to love you." He stiffed up, shaking slightly.

He just practically killed her. He knew of her health condition. Yet he brought her down there with him.

"I should have thought it through." He cried, falling to his knees.

Minutes seemed to have gone by. The sudden touch on his shoulder bringing him back to reality.

"Jyugo." Your voice. So angelic.

He lifted his gaze and met your gentle (e/c) eyes.

"Don't cry. It makes me sad." You smiled cutely.

"(Y/n)...I love you. Never leave me."

"I don't plan to darling."

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