Jyugo x Reader: Lock on love

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Flipping the page in your manga, your eyes trailed off to the cell door.

"What is it?" Jyugo asks from beside you.

"Nothing. Someone's coming." You replied, watching as a guard looked into your cell for a moment before walking off.

"Must be making his rounds." You thought outloud.

Going back to your manga you read out loud to Nico-who asked you to read him a story, "So Kaneki-hey where do you think he got his name?" You stopped yourself, looking over at Nico.

The green haired boy sweat dropped, "Uhh..."

Hearing a sigh, Jyugo grabbed your manga, "Just continue reading."

Looking over the current chapter, his eye brows furrowed. "So Ka....Ka....Kaneky-"

"Kaneki." Yourself and Nico corrected.

"Uh, right." Jyugo nods before going back to trying to read.

"Jyugo you can't read. Just stop." You patted his shoulder.

"I'm trying to help." He sulked in the corner.


"Alright, I'm in charge today. Do as I say or you all are giving me fifty pushups." Samon marched into the cell.

"Sir yes sir!" All five inmates of cell 13, building 13 saluted.

As Samon rambled on about stuff with the guys, you stayed behind amd just stared at his behind.

You stared.

And stared.

And stared.

You couldn't help it.

The beautiful, attention grabbing piece of meat that Samon had on his rear end....it's so captivating.

You just wanted to touch it.

And you did.

"Squish." You chirped, squeezing the beautiful rear.

"Let go of my tail!"

-----Time Skip-----

"Ow!" You exclaimed in pain.

"You should learn to focus more." Jyugo commented, unravelling the bandaid from your head.

"I'm trying. Help me." You cried, holding your head in pain.

He popped a tick mark, "I tried but you always push me away!"

----Time Skip----

"Focus." Jyugo commented as you worked on carving a beautiful design.

"Right." You nodded, carefully tracing your early pencil outline.

A noise was heard, catching your attention.

"Huh-" You turned to look where the noise came from, only to get your head forcefully turned back to your carving on the furniture, "Ah!"

"It was nothing! Now focus! You're almost done." Jyugo commented.

"Y-yes." You nodded, bringing your attention back to your carving.

Giving it the finishing touches, you held it up proudly-nearly punching Jyugo in the face.

"I did it!" You exclaimed, jumping for joy.

"That's great!" Jyugo then stopped and looked closer at your work, "But what is it?"

"It's my Harry Potter house crest!"

Ravenclaws! Unite!

"....of course you go for a fandom." He deadpans.

Jumping towards him, you smile, "Thanks Jyugo! I'm off to see what that noise was from earier now!"

He reached out to stop you, but decided to let it go.

"Already getting sidetracked." He sighs dissapointed. Then, the inmates smiles, "but it's so cute."

Gomen! I tried my best!

Nanbaka x Reader OneShots| Part2Where stories live. Discover now