Uno x Reader: Tightly Holding Love

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Walking down the cell block of building 13, you held the stack of magazines close to you with a smile.

Some inmates gave you look, most likely wondering what you were so happy about. However, that didn't bother you. As of right now, you were too happy to give a care.

Entering your cell, you looked around and quickly, your joyful expression changed to confused bear.

"Where's the others?" You asked Uno. Though, you already knew the asnwer.

Uno pouted, "Escaping."

You smiled.

Recently, Uno got hurt and ended up having to get a cast on his right leg. He really wasn't too thrilled about it.

Walking into the cell-which you can only assume Jyugo left unlocked-you closed it behind you as skipped over to the pouting male.

He watched out of the corner of his eye, as you placed some magazines onto the coffee table.

Looking over your shoulder, you smiled when catching Uno looking at you. "If there's anything you need, just ask. Okay?"

Uno looked away instantly with a hard blush. 'It's almost like she's my wife.' He blushed harder at the thought.

After some minutes of silence, he spoke up. "Hey, can you do me a havour?"

Looking away from a magazine, you tilted your head. "Sure."

He smiles, patting a spot beside him.

Staring at him for a moment, you got up and moved over to him-despite being confused on what he wanted.

"What is it?" You asked quietly as Uno leaned in.

(E/c) eyes widening, you watched as he leaned closer and closer.

It felt like everything just slowed down.

It was like, everything disappeared and it was just the two of you.

Feeling awkward, you shifted around a bit. "'re making me nervous."

He only stared at you with so much love.

In happened quickly. He had captured your lips with his own.

Melting into the kiss, you smiled.

Too your disappointment, he pulled away a bit too quickly for your liking.

Blushing red, you stuttered, "What....what was that for..?"

He smiles cheekily, "For being there for me."

Smiling shyly, you looked away with bright, happy eyes. "It's the least I could do. You shouldn't have to sit around for so long with that cast. I should at least make you more comfortable."

He shakes his head. Pecking your forehead, he chuckles. "I meant for everything dummy."

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